The Only Option

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Mikoto walked in between the large warehouses and crates of the warehouse district.. feeling empty.. this was it.. this was the end.. after all she'd been through.. after everything.. she was going to die here...

"You're late..."

Mikoto looked up and saw Impulser sitting on top of a crate all casual like.. for some reason.. Impulser reminded her a bit of Accelerator.. except Impulser was colder.. and while Accelerator had given off a hint of his own distaste with his own Level Shift experiment.. Impulser seemed to enjoy every bit of cruelty he administered... but then again.. Mikoto was probably seeing it all through the point of view of somebody who was cruelly beaten by the same boy every night.. so really she felt she couldn't judge.

"Impulser... it's only been 5 minutes.." said Mikoto. "8:30 PM.. it's excatly as scheduled. So this is the last experiment right? After this fight.. you'll level shift.. and I'll die.."

Impulser grinned maliciously. "Oh look at you... you've quite the smart ass head on your neck... only this time, I'm finally allowed to disconnect that head from that silly neck.. heheheh... oh I'm going to enjoy this.. I've been holding back in each and every single fight... always holding back the killing blow.. but this time.. I won't have to."

Mikoto nodded. "Yeah.. so.. are we going to get this over with or what?"

"Now that's quite different." said Impulser raising an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" Mikoto asked.

"Usually at the start of all of our fights, you plead with me something stupid.. crying your pretty little eyes out.. begging me to step out of the experiment on my own.. so that your friends can be spared and you won't have to have your bones broken every night." said Impulser. "But now you just look like you've resigned yourself to your fate."

"Well you're right." said Mikoto. "I've accepted that I'm here to die.."

"Really?" said Impulser. "Damn that's so boring!! What's a fight if there's no hope for the opponent? Hope can be the best form of torture you know.. it makes the victim try so desperately cling for any last shred of life.. even though they know it just can't be.. wow.. ripping you apart is going to be so boring..."

Mikoto got into a ready stance. "So are we going to fight, or are you going to keep whining about how boring killing me is going to be..?"

Impulser.. the level 5 that could control vibrations. It was truly a frightening power. Every object, molecule, and piece of matter in the universe vibrated.. you didn't see it.. but it was true.. if you took an electron microscope and observed an atom's molecules.. they were constantly moving.. 'vibrating'.. Impulser's power reached into the deepest most microscopic part of this power... the only time something wasn't vibrating.. was when an object reached a state of Absolute Zero.. and the more an object vibrated.. the more heat was generated.. heat itself was actually just a molecule vibrating at higher speeds.. while cold was the slowing of movement.

As a result.. Impulser could do almost anything.. fly.. travel at hyperspeed, create plasma, fire, earthquakes, and even stop vibrations to freeze objects more effectively then Big Chill ever could.

It was even theorized that Impulser could get past Accelerator's vector redirection. The theory went that vectors were merely the law of a force moving from one point in space to another.. however.. unlike Big Chill, who depended on a freezing coolant to freeze things in place.. Impulser froze things merely by stopping pure movement.. therefore stopping movement through space.. Impulser could possibly theoretically freeze Accelerator in place..

There were limits of course..Impulser could only control the vibrations of the molecules touching his body.. and then he could spread his AIM diffusion field across the molecules.. meaning ranged attacks weren't instant, and could be dodged.... but the main problem was.. electric attacks were useless.. Impulser was able to instantly stop electron based vibrations.. which meant electricity was about as useless to Impulser as it was against rubber..

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