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Alarms were ringing all throughout the Radiowave company building.. gaurds were in a panic as somebody continued to break deeper into the building itself...

Albedo sat at his desk feeling rather amused. What could she be doing here? For what possible purpose? Was she here to deny the experiment? To say that she was done..? She knew that with just a call, he could easily have each and every one of her friends killed.

As Albedo mused about this.. the elevator door opened and out walked Mikoto Misaka..several highly armed gaurds were left in the elevator, all knocked out and crackling with residual electricity from Mikoto's attacks.

"We need to talk." Mikoto growled at the CEO who was hidden in the shadows of the massive office overlooking the night time city..

"Ms. Misaka.. my office hours are from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. "said Albedo."If you want an appointment...I suggest you schedule one with my-"

"Cut the crap!" said Mikoto. "I'm not here to jump out of your little experiment, so you don't need to worry you corperate big assed head.

Albedo laughed. "look at you... are you going to attempt to make a bargain with me?"

"I want you to leave Ben Tennyson out of this." said Mikoto. "I'll get him to stop interfereing with the Project Silent Beating, and if I do that, you have leave him alone.. no ITEM going after him..just keep him out of all of this!! He has nothing to do with this... "

"Oh.. on the contrary.." said Albedo. "He has everything to do with this.. believe it or not, me and Tennyson are quite acquainted with each other.."


"Yes..we go back about 3 years.." said Albedo. "Perhaps I should enlighten you?"

Albedo shifted out of the shadows and came rest his arms on his desk.. and Mikoto gasped in horrified recognition.

Albedo looked exactly like Ben.. the same facial features and everything.. however there was something wrong.. his hair was pure white.. his eyes and jacket were red instead of green.. it was as if he were some sort of inverse Ben Tennyson.

"Quite a sight isn't it?" said Albedo, holding up his wrist to show Mikoto a red Omnitrix. "Well don't be fooled, this Omnitrix is actually an inferiour copy.. funny story about it is.. that this Omnitrix resonates with that stupid Tennyson's Omnitrix.. and therefore my DNA has been changed so that I am now a gross, smelly, adolescent human male with a craving for Chilly Fries and constantly scratches himself in places I suspect are inappropriate!"

"Uh-uh.." Mikoto stammered. She had never faced a strange look-alike situation like this before. "You.. aren't human?"

"I AM A GALVAN!!!" Albedo yelled. But he took a deep breath and quickly composed himself. "The thing is.. Tennyson won't listen to you if you tell him to stop.. I know him well enough for that.. he has a hero complex much like that Touma Kamijou boy I've heard about.. he must constantly save those that are in trouble... you could say it's almost like a form of insanity.. can you believe he actually once tried to help me..? what a silly idiot.. that I personally wish to kill myself.. .sorry Mikoto Misaka.. but it's a no.. Ben Tennyson is going to recieve the consequences for his meddling one way or another.."

"NO!!" Mikoto slammed her hand on against the side of Albedo's desk, and in a burst of electromagnetic energy, it shot off into the other side of the room.

"YOU LEAVE HIM OUT!!" Mikoto roared, tears gushing out of her eyes. "I don't know what kind of history you two had.. but he's not in the hero business anymore!! He faked his own death to get out of it because he thought it was hurting people!! He was so freaking wrong!!! BUT STILL!! JUST STAY AWAY!!!"

A  Certain Scientific Omnitrix. Book 1. Alien ScienceWhere stories live. Discover now