Enemy of The Darkness

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Ben awoke that morning feeling absolutely terrible.. especially given he had only gotten around 2 hours of sleep. He had spent too much time reliving the horrible image of Mikoto's wounds in his mind.. Ben sat on the couch for a moment, rubbing his head before taking another somber look at his torn favorite jacket which he hadn't worn since it got torn in his fight with Fistrick.. which he could barely fuzzily remember now..

Ben then put on his school uniform, since he didn't want to put on normal clothes without some sort of jacket, putting on a white shirt and a black high school uniform jacket before he stood up, and realized he really didn't need the uniform, because today was a weekend.. and the Extra Credit courses weren't active on Saturdays..

Suddenly, Ben heard a crashing sound from the kitchen.. He ran over to find Mikoto with a smashed glass of milk on the floor.. her hands were shakey, apparently having encountered difficulty even holding the glass.

She looked less terrible now that more bandages covered up the wounds that Ben had seen before, but it was still shocking, she looked like she should have been lying in a hospital bed.

"O-oh.. morning Ben." said Mikoto. "I-It's not as bad as it looks... honest!"

Ben shook his head. "Don't tell me that Mikoto. You look like you decided to go take a hike through the Ishimura."


"Video game reference, not important." said Ben. "But.. who did this to you!? Tell me!"

For a minute, it looked like Mikoto might actually tell Ben.. but.. she shut her mouth and shook her head. "NO!! Don't ask me any more.. DON'T ASK ME ANY OF THIS!!! This is my problem, and mine alone!! I-I have to get to school.. j-just.. don't!!"

"It's SATURDAY!!" Ben exclaimed. "AND IT'S SUMMER VACATION!!!"

Mikoto didn't answer this.. she just ran out the door and slammed it shut behind her...

Ben groaned and sat on the floor, pummeling his forehead with his fist. "What aren't you telling me? What kind of dark twisted game are those people playing with you?"

"You really want to know?"

Ben looked up to see Kuroko leaning against the fridge. "Because I want to know what my Onee-Sama is hiding too.."

Kuroko and Ben looked at each other for a second.

"So.. " said Kuroko. "What do you know so far about this?"

"She went to an abandoned lab last night.." said Ben. "Somebody's started Blackmailing her.. I don't know what went down.. but.."

Ben stood up, looking rather determined this time. "I'm going to find out.."

Kuroko sighed and put on what looked like a badge on a green strap on her arm. Her Judgement badge. "Well then.. I better do my part too..I'm going to Judgement so I can keep an eye on Onee-Sama..so mr. Baka... what ar you going to do?"

Ben clenched his fist. "I'm going to see a certain acquantance of mine.."


Misaki Shokuhou stood on the bridge overlooking District Seven, humming casually as she fiddled with a remote in her hand.

For a moment things were quiet.. then as a random boy walked by, Misaki clicked the button on the remote. The boy stopped in his tracks, taken over by Misaki's telepathic power.. his expression went blank and his eyes became sparkly.

"What do you wish for my queen?" the boy asked emotionlessly.

Misaki clicked a button on the remote. "Oh do buy me some icecream, it's awfully hot today.."

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