Ben 10 V.S. Meltdowner

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Wildmutt backed up from Shizuri, growling nervously. Ben had fought other espers before, and admitidly, he had managed to defeat many of them with ease. However, this was a different case. He was fighting a Level 5. And he'd never done anything like that before.

He'd seen some of the Level 5 espers such as Gunha Sogiita the Attack Crash, display their powers during the Daihaseisai festivals. And he'd always been amazed. Even Mikoto impressed him.. he didn't know how any of his aliens would match up against them though... and the Meltdowner.. Wildmutt's abilities v.s. that? Probably not a good matchup..

"Well.." said Shizuri. "Don't you want to try me? Doggy?"

Shizuri let the glowing sphere float out of her hand as two more Meltdowner spheres formed. Suddenly three powerful beam of photon energy exploded from the spheres.

Wildmutt leapt out of the way as the beams exploded into the metal hall, ripping apart the room with ease, and burning everything to nothing..

"ROOWWLL!!!" Wildmutt roared. Which basically meant. "HOLY SMOKES!!!"

"Come back here!!!" Shizuri exclaimed, firing several more Meltdowner beams at Wildmutt. Wildmutt jumped into the cieling and swung along the wires, dodging the powerful beams.. suddenly the beams split off into multiple cross beams.. and hundreds of multiple Meltdowner beams tore at the cieling, slicing things in half as easily as butter.

Wildmutt let out a pained roar as a bleeding gash was burned right through his side and he fell to the floor with a clang.

"Like a mouse in a trap." said Shizuri with a chuckle.

Like Hell that's going to happen.. Wildmutt thought as he roared and suddenly jumped forward in a powerful burst of speed. Wildmutt lashed out his claws at Shizuri.

Shizuri ducked under the powerful strike as Wildmutt ripped apart an old generator that was behind her. She formed several more spheres.. and several more Meltdowner Beams fired at Wildmutt from close range..

Wildmutt used his enhanced senses to predict the powerful beams striking area.. and twisted his body in mid air to dogde the blasts.. but several of the beams managed to rip through his shoulder and  back..

Wildmutt roared with pain as some of his blood evaporated from the powerful blasts..

Wildmutt leapt back as more powerful beams fired outwards. Wildmutt galloped out of the way and jumped to the cieling and leapt down at Shizuri, his claws out and his slobbering jaws open..

"You just don't quit little doggie!! DO YOU!!!?" Shizuri grinned maliciously. "COME ON!!"

Shizuri spread her hands out.. and more Meltdowner beams shot out, this time firing into each other and merging into one tremendous beam of energy.. exploding right at Wildmutt.

Wildmutt grabbed a wire right at the last moment and swung out of the way as the beam exploded through the cieling, blasting a hole straight through it.. Wildmutt jumped through the whole in an instant and scrambled through the cieling.

"Heh.. you aren't escaping me.. " Shizuri muttered. "COME BACK HERE!!!"

As Shizuri began firing more random Meltdowner beams into the cieling.

"U-uh.. Mugino? M-maybe you're going a little too far here.." said Frenda as she stared in fright at the entire lab turn into dust thanks to the powerful Meltdowner.

A little ways into the lab, a vent opened up in the cieling of a seperate room, and Wildmutt leapt down to the floor, blood dripping from his body as he panted tiredly.

Ben knew that the fact that Wildmutt had a tough hide.. he'd be dust. Had he had just a second's more contact with those beams.. or even direct contact, he would've been broken down into nothing at a molecular level. He coudl tell by the fact that some of his blood had literally evaporated..

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