Chapter 2

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Violet’s POV.
“I can’t believe you’re doing this to me,” I complained, trying to find a comfortable position to sit in as Klaus and I waited for the plane to take off.

We had first class tickets and were on our way out of Australia and heading for good old Mystic Falls. Having to get up at 5 to be at the airport, life packed into a suitcase, by 7. I was used to having to get packed up and move around a lot thanks to the whole no aging thing, but never had I had to pack everything up while having a hangover.

“Well maybe you should have left the party with me instead of getting drunk on blood and alcohol,” Klaus rebutted and I just glared at his smirking face.

“So what’s the latest gossip in the goings on in Mystic Falls?” I ventured.

“Well, let’s see. It’s infested with vampires, werewolves, hybrids, there’s a witch and Katharine’s doppelganger is there. There are a few selected humans that know all about us too,” Klaus told me and I could only look at him in shock.

“And why haven’t you asked me to come earlier? This place sounds awesome!” I grinned, my anger at him forgotten for the moment.

“Just because this is the town situation, does not mean you can go sucking everyone dry. There is a vampire hunter or two in the area and they take their jobs very seriously,” Klaus explained and I sighed, leaning back in my seat.

“Anyone you got your eye on?” I asked finally.

“No,” he replied, far too quickly.

“I don’t believe it! Klaus Mickelson has a crush! Who is she?” I asked excitedly.

“A vampire that’s dating a werewolf and hates me,” he replied stiffly and I immediately dropped the subject.

“I don’t believe it,” I whispered to myself, “you’re hooked on her so bad.”

“Leave it Violet, please, just leave it,” he sighed, closing his eyes.

“Do I at least get to meet her?” I asked.

“You’ll most likely meet her whether you like it or not,” Klaus muttered and my grin grew.

- - - - - 

Uncountable hours later, the plane finally hit the runway, jolting me awake. It was the middle of the night and I could barely see anything besides the stars and moon outside between half lidded eyes.

“We finally here?” I asked with a yawn.

“We got a bit of a drive before we get to my place but you can sleep on the way if you want,” Klaus smiled. It was one of his rare smiles that were filled with warmth. I’d only seen it so many times and I was his adopted goddaughter which was saying how rare it really was.

“You couldn’t stop me even if you wanted too,” I chuckled as we got off the plane and collected our bags.

“My cars this way,” he led the way as we carried our luggage through the filled car park.

We finally reached a sleek black car that he loaded our bags into as I got into the front passenger seat. Starting the car we drove in silence, cutting along the road through the night like a knife cuts through skin.

Pulling up at a mansion like house, I couldn’t help being impressed. It was modern with just hint of old fashioned parts to it making it look gorgeous and spacious.

“You have good taste,” I remarked, thinking back to my two roomed flat I’d lived in with Abby for the past two years until this morning.

“I try,” he shrugged as we hauled our bags out of the car and up the steps into the house. It looked as if there were still some last minute modifications being made to a few rooms. One even looked like a ball room, something I hadn’t seen in a while.

“Wow,” I gasped, looking around at the grand staircase that led up to a hallway that was in a circle overlooking the entrance way, the roof being a sort of dome out of glass.

“This way,” Klaus led me up the staircase and dumped his bag in a room that was well furnished and looked lived in compared to most of the other rooms that looked bare.

“You’re room?” I asked with a smirk.

“No, she has not been in there,” Klaus shot back leading me two doors along before flinging the doors open, “And this is yours.”

Walking in, I dropped my bags just inside the door and looked around at the richness of it all. I hadn’t been somewhere like this in a long time. “I could get used to this,” I comment.

“Well it’s your room to come back to whenever you’re in town,” he explained and I flung myself into his arms. After a moment’s hesitation he hugged me back.

“I don’t care what they say, you’re pretty nice for a bloodsucking murderer,” I grinned at him.

“Don’t let that get out, it could ruin my reputation,” he mock gasped.

“Well I’m gonna go shopping tomorrow which means I’m gonna need a good night’s sleep,” I shooed him out of the room.

“Night bloodsucker,” he rolled his eyes.

“Night murderer,” I jested back before closing the door and looking around. I really could get used to this.

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