Chapter 44

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Violet's POV.

"You're joking right?" I asked bluntly, my head pounding as I looked from Klaus to Damon and back.

"Does it look like we're joking?" Klaus responded.

"Well this is just great," I sighed, falling backwards onto the couch, "where could he be?"

"That's a brilliant question, why don't you contribute and idea?" Damon asked sarcastically.

"Well I don't know! You guys know how Kol and Rebekah work better than I do," I burst out.

"Well it'll probably be underground," Klaus mused, starting to pace as the gears of his mind started up.

It was the morning after the party, I had a MAJOR hangover which was ebbing quickly thank god, but that was the only up side to this morning. Stacy and Jeremy were missing and Jeremy was half way through transforming which meant they were either going to feed him Stacy or let him die. My morning just seemed to be getting better and better . . . NOT! Damon had come over to see if Jeremy was here since it was the last place he might actually be but since he isn't here . . . we're all sort of going on the look out. 

"And they'll be in cages," Damon added in.

"You guys have obviously watched way to many movies," I said and both pairs of eyes turned to look at me.

"Unless you have something useful to add in, don't talk," Damon snapped.

"You're a real dick, you know that right?" I glared at him.

"And you keep letting Jeremy get caught over and over again," Damon retorted. I bit my tongue to keep from snapping back at him.

Damon and Klaus spent the next hour and a half going over locations where Jeremy could be and I became more nervous by the minute. Jeremy would be starving. I'd done this so that he could say goodbye, not so that he could be taken and killed straight away! 

"Violet," my head snapped up from where it had been examining the snowflake necklace around my neck to look at Damon.

"Yeah?" I asked in an emotionless voice.

"Why'd you turn him?" Damon asked out right.

"I guess leaving him to die wasn't really on my wish list at the time," I replied.

"I mean, why didn't you just let him be healed?" Damon shrugged, watching me with an examining gaze.

I took my time answering this question because in truth . . . I myself didn't know. It hadn't really popped into my head as the guy who'd stolen my heart was bleeding to death in front of me. My head wasn't exactly in its right mind.

"Forget it," Damon said when I didn't reply, shaking his head and turning and leaving the room to join Klaus in the kitchen again.

My phone began to ring then and I didn't bother to look at the caller ID, already guessing who it would be.

"Where do you have him?" I asked on answering.

"I'll tell you just to speed things up and make them more interesting," came Rebekah's voice, chilling me to the bone. This blood-thirsty Original was the vampire that held Jeremy's life in her hand, I was not about to piss her off . . . too much.

"You really are too kind," I replied sarcastically.

"I do try," she answered and I could just imagine her flicking her hair over one shoulder.

"So where are you?" I ask.

~1 tense hour later~

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