Chapter 19

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Violet's POV.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to come over after school," Jeremy suggested after school on Friday.

Klaus had been icing me out and avoiding me all week and there hadn't really been a chance to talk to him. When I tried bringing up the subject with any of his siblings, they told me to let him 'cool off' before doing anything. Kol even suggested I make a run for it but I'm pretty sure he only suggested it so he could have more use of the car since I was always using it.

"Sure," I smirked, "so we can finish off our project I take it?"

"Yeah, that," Jeremy laughed.

"I can drive us if you want," I said as we made our way across the school to the car park.

"Aren't going to check in with your family if that's okay first?" Jeremy asked on reaching my car.

"They'll be fine with it," I shrugged. 

They would probably be relieved to be rid of me for the afternoon as well as all day. Obviously I hadn't told Jeremy about who my 'family' was since he was still actually talking to me but I would . . . eventually.

"As long as I can stay in this mysterious families good books," he chuckled getting in the car.

"You are, don't worry," I replied quickly, getting in and throwing my bag in the back with his.

"So when do I get to meet them?" he asked, looking at me side ways.

"Soon," was all I said and we dropped the subject. That was all I ever said on this subject.

Arriving at Jeremy's place, we found it empty which meant that Elena was probably at Damon and Stefan's house which is where she was a lot of the time I learnt. She had some complicated relationship with both brothers from what Jeremy said.

"So, snack first and then homework or video games," Jeremy said, flinging open the door to an empty house like every other time I came round it seems.

"I swear you scare everyone off when I come over," I joked.

"Well if I didn't I'd never get to talk to you," he chuckled as we dumped our bags on the dining room table.

"I'm sure you're not that popular," I smirked.

"I'm not but you are," he replied and I raised a questioning eyebrow. "I've heard Alaric and Damon talking about you and Alaric placed you in my group for the History project."

My eyes were going as round as saucers as he said this and he seemed to sense my unease because he quickly continued, "they probably just want me to keep an eye on the new vampire in town. Nothing to worry about."

Except there was. They knew I was related to Klaus and if they spilled the beans to him then I was so busted. It would mean he'd know but still . . . I didn't want him to find out like that!

"So what's first, games or homework?" I asked, changing subjects.

"We could knock out the homework, believe it or not, I actually just said that, and then we'd be free for the rest of Friday night," he grinned.

"Why do I get the feeling this Friday night will include me beating you at video games again?" I mock sighed dramatically.

"I don't know because all I know is that I will be beating you," he shot back as I sat down at the dining room table and he got himself something to eat.

"I doubt that," I muttered under my breath but he heard and chuckled.

"A girl that plays video games is a girl after my heart," he sat down next to me and I smiled while inwardly I couldn't help feeling a twinge of sadness; pushing it away, I focused on now instead of the past. It was usually a lot easier said than done though.

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