Chapter 20

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Violet's POV.

Sunday morning, life couldn't be less amazing . . . except I had a bunch of age-old vampires living in the same house as me so that would be a most incorrect statement ever. Avoiding them all Saturday by hiding out in Klaus's studio all day where he had tried, and failed to teach me how to blend colours and make a sunrise look like a sunrise.

Art just was not my calling.

Now it was Sunday though and Rebekah had decided to go shopping in town while Kol and Elijah were most likely somewhere getting themselves in trouble which meant Klaus and I had the house to ourselves, at long last. 

As much as quietness annoyed me usually, I really craved it after two weeks of listening to them all bicker on about this and that. Finn and Esther had sort of disappeared, occasionally showing up but other than that, they kept to themselves. I'd given up trying to find out whatever shady business it was that they were getting involved in so ignoring them had become pretty easy.

Sitting in the lounge, I couldn't help playing with my necklace out of habit as I read my dog-eared copy of Twilight. As silly as the plot to the series was, I thought it was pretty good except for the fact that no, us vampires did not sparkle in the sunlight and it was a lot more painful when a werewolf turned from what I'd seen. Curled up on the couch, I ignored the doorbell and it seemed Klaus did too since it rung at least three more times, with pauses in between, before Klaus finally answered it.

He could outlast me in a lot of things but listening to the doorbell was not one of them.

"I take it you're here for Violet," was the first thing I heard Klaus say after opening the door.

The person didn't answer but probably nodded because I heard 2 sets of footsteps approaching.

One was Klaus and the only thing I could tell about the other person was that they were high on vrevain.

I looked up in time to see Klaus step into the lounge with Jeremy right behind me. I was on my feet in an instant, my book falling from my hands and thumping onto the floor.

"Jeremy," I looked at him, wide eyed before looking at Klaus with a questioning gaze.

"I didn't invite him over," Klaus replied, eyes gleaming with something I couldn't place.

"I needed to talk to Violet that's all," Jeremy rushed to say and for the first time I could smell the fear rolling off him.

"Can you give us a moment," I asked.

"I'll be in my studio with the door open," Klaus smirked, "have fun, but not too much fun."

Before he knew what was happening, I'd picked up and thrown my book at him. Unfortunately he ducked and it hit the wall behind him.

"The women in this house just love throwing things," he chuckled.

"Oh go away!" I cried.

"Of course, wouldn't want to embarrass you," he smirked, leaving the room.

"That worries me!" I called out after him. I could have said it normally and he would have heard but I called out just for Jeremy's saked.

"I know," Klaus called back, his thoughts in line with mine.

Turning back to Jeremy, his eyes darting around the room for any signs of a threat or weapon.

"Only us two and Klaus are home at the moment as far as I know," I told him and his eyes snapped round to look at me.

"I know, I saw the others leave this morning," he replied, "I've been across the road for the past few hours wondering if I should come over or not."

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