Chapter 47

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Violet’s POV.
“Violet!” Klaus hollered up the stairs for what seemed like the millionth time.

“Coming!” I called back, grabbing my bag and flinging open the door, taking the steps down at vampire speed.

“Books? Blood bags? Money? Phone? Keys?” Klaus listed off.

“Check, check, check, check and check,” I grinned, slinging my bag over my back.

“Well, have fun at school,” he chuckled, holding open the front door for me.

“It’s school, is it ever fun?” I smirked, heading to the car.

“Stay out of trouble!” Klaus called after me.

“Impossible!” I called back, getting into the car.

It was the first day back at school for the second school term. Jeremy was successfully mastering to drink animal blood, out of blood bags and from the vein without killing as well as vampire speed to places without bumping into every obstacle along the way. I’d only seen Nichole, Ben, Stacy and Hunter once during the two weeks off since I was helping Damon train Jeremy how to be a vampire and get used to the new lifestyle of being what he was learning to hunt before.

Pulling up at school, I grabbed my bag and got out, locking the car I headed for the front entrance, a bit slower than usual, trying to spot any of them; unfortunately they were nowhere to be seen. I’d see them later anyway, I thought.

I was just standing up from grabbing all my books when a figure stepped in front of me, grinning from ear to ear.

“Good morning Mr Vampire,” I smirked.

“Hey,” Jeremy grinned giving me a peck on the cheek before bending down to get his own books.

“You know you were way off just then,” I raised an eyebrow, trying to look intimidating as I looked down at him.

“Give me a sec,” he laughed, without even looking up. Opening his bag to put some books in, the smell of blood wafted out faintly.

“You stocked up for the first day, impressive,” I smirked.

“I have to be prepared,” he shrugged standing up to face me, “unlike some people.”

“You don’t have to remind me,” I sighed, giving him a peck on the lips before we headed to class.

“Ready for another term of school?” he asked, glancing down at me.

"I should never have signed up to school in the first place," I smirked, "but hey, you think we could beat the excitement of last term?"

"I don't think I want to," he snorted, pushing open the classroom door to find only a few students as well as Mrs Fellpower already in class.

"I think my eyes are playing tricks on me but is Jeremy Gilbert to registration early?" Mrs Fellpower gasped in mock horror, looking up from her computer screen.

"I have a good influence over him," I replied.

"It seems you do, let's just hope he doesn't have a bad influence on you," she said, looking knowingly at our entwined hands.

"I'll make sure he doesn't," I nodded before we took our seats.

"You know, technically I should be taking back my seat," he shot me a grin.

"I think we are way past that," I smiled back sweetly, "it's my seat, that's your seat."

"If you were anyone else, I'd tell you to move," he replied.

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