Chapter 18

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Violet’s POV.

“What a day,” I smiled, almost floating into the house.

“I take it I was right?” Kol smirked.

“Right about what?” Elijah asked, joining us in the entrance hall.

“Violet and the Gilbert boy,” Kol replied.

“Jeremy Gilbert?” Elijah frowned.

“The one and only,” Kol said cockily.
“Oh shut up both of you,” I rolled my eyes before heading to my room for some peace and quiet to figure everything out.

“I’d be careful who you date,” Rebekah added, passing me on the stairs.

“Says the girl that dated one of the 5,” I retorted.

“How do you know about that?” she spun around to face me.

“Klaus, duh,” I answered without turning around.

Flopping backwards onto my bed, I couldn’t help but let out a small sigh before sitting up abruptly. Good god, I was turning into one of those love sick puppies, what was happening to me!?

“Jeremy Gilbert?” Klaus asked, entering the room and closing the door behind him.

“What about him?: I replied, keeping my expression on voice neutral.

“So you fancy Jeremy Gilbert,” he stated more than asked.

“Yeah,” I replied cautiously.

“I’d be careful if I were you. With friends like his, they hate us, me,” Klaus said in al seriousness.

“I’ll be fine,” I smirked, “I can take care of myself, it’s not like I’m 3.”

“Does he know?” Klaus finally asked sitting down on the edge of my bed.

“Know what?” I wondered, lying back down and closing my eyes.

“About me being your godfather,” he stated bluntly.

“Well . . . I don’t know. It never really came up in conversation but if he’s as close with Alaric and Damon as I think he is, I’m pretty sure he’d know by now,” I explained.

“Why don’t you just, tell him?” Klaus suggested and I felt his gaze on my face, “Or are you scared once you tell him he’ll be running for the hills?”

“No, nothing like that, I just don’t want spring the whole thing on him at once. I mean, I am a well-kept secret,” I shrugged.

“Were a well-kept secret, now it’s out there and I want people to know,” he responded.

“Right, who have you told so far?” I asked, sitting up.

“Well no one really, haven’t had the chance with all this family stuff to figure out,” he chuckled and I inwardly let out a sigh of relief.

Klaus was right when he said I didn’t want to tell Jeremy because he might leave me. Hate me even. I’d been listening in on conversations between Jeremy, Elena and their friends and I got the feeling that not a lot of people liked him. Well actually, nobody really liked him. To them, he was a cold blooded murderer who was strong and had to be eliminated, They didn’t see the Klaus I saw, the nicer side of him.

“Well I’ll tell him when I get the chance then,” I said, not meeting his eyes as I stood up and crossed the room to my mini fridge.

“Sure, oh and Violet, I thought we could go out, do something tonight. I haven’t really had the chance to show you around much since you got here,” Klaus grinned, heading for the door.

“What like, godfather goddaughter bonding time?” I smirked.

“Something like that,” he chuckled before leaving the room.

Now to figure out how to tell Jeremy that my so called ‘family’ I was always talking about was the Original Family. The family that him and his friends were trying to get rid of. Thinking about this, it crossed my mind to just not tell him at all. It would be a tough secret to keep from him, and definitely not the first, but I probably could manage; I ruled out the thought quickly though. I would rather he heard it from me instead of someone else second hand.

Why was my life so annoyingly impossible to have classed as: simple.

I decided to skip my homework and go into town. Maybe visit the bar again and try not to get killed.

“Where are you off to?” Kol intercepted me on the way out.

“The bar,” I said without breaking pace.

“Wait for me! I’m coming too,” Rebekah yelled and was suddenly both her and Kol were in the car with me.

“Guys, this is a one man show, get out,” I said, turning to look at Rebekah in the back and Kol in the passenger seat.

“But we need some bonding time,” Kol mocked.

“I’ll be having enough bonding time with Klaus later, I repeat: get out,” I said stiffly.

“Seems we’re all going out,” Klaus appeared, getting in the back with Rebekah.

“What the hell! I want to have some time alone in town but no, now I have to drag you lot with me too?” I shot them all accusing looks.

“Seems so,” Kol smirked, ignoring my glares.

“Why are you all so needy?" I cried.
“We are not needy,” Klaus snapped, “we just want to go into town with you so stop over reacting.”

“Yes you are. Kol always has to be the cocky one getting attention from girls, you just want to drool all over Caroline even though NEWS FLASH: it’s never going to happen and Rebekah is pinning over Matt so obviously it’s embarrassing,” I shot back and silence hung in the car.

“Well thank goodness we got that out of the way. Let’s go,” Kol replied, shrugging it off.

With a groan, I got out of the car. There was no way I was going to go into town with them. If someone saw us, that would be it and I doubt anyone’s going to listen or like my explanation. Why did they have to be so annoying and couldn’t just leave me alone?

“If you really didn’t want us to go with you, you could have just told us,” Klaus’s soft British voice came from behind me. Whether it was his deadly soft or his nice soft, I couldn’t tell.

“I did, but last I checked, none of you listened to me,” I shot back as we listened to the car drive away with Kol and Rebekah in it.

Best buy another car now since that one probably wouldn’t be in one piece long with those two in it.

“I meant told us that you really didn’t want anyone to know about how we tie in with. You don’t want people to know you live with us and that I’m your godfather,” Klaus replied and I finally placed what tone of voice he was speaking in. It was a sad soft.

“Klaus I’m not embarrassed –“

“You just don’t want people to look at you and think of us,” he replied.

“Yeah, that’s it,” I nodded, hoping he was convinced.

"You’ve always been a terrible liar,” was all he said before vampire speeding to his studio, leaving me to feel guilty at the bottom of the stairs.

I may just have gotten Jeremy, but I think I just lost Klaus . . . 

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