Chapter 35

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Violet's POV.

Arriving at the dance, I couldn't help looking at the gym in wonder. There were sparkly snowflakes hanging down and the walls were covered in them too. The table clothes on the refreshments table were dark blue with snowflakes hanging off them. The lights were a range of blues and white. There was a DJ at the front of the gym on a slightly raised platform, belting out all sorts of music. At the entrance way there was a backdrop of a winter setting with snow falling where you could get your photo taken on your own, with your date or with friends. 

First up was Nichole and Ben, then Stacy and Hunter and last of all Jeremy and I. After the couple photos we got a few group ones of all guys, all girls and all of us. Then we headed on into the main part of the gym where everything was happening. Most dresses were blues and silvers with the occasional black but all the boys were in suits and it almost looked more like a prom than a Beginning of Year dance.

"Let's dance!" Nichole squealed, grabbing my wrist and Ben's and dragging us into the middle of the dance floor with the others following.

"Having fun?" Jeremy asked.

"We only just got here, we still have the whole night for something to go wrong," I smirked.

Sure, I'd been to millions of school dances over the years thanks to my long life span, but never one where I'd had actual friends that I hadn't compelled or drunk from. And none where I'd been with a guy who I actually liked being around full time. 

We danced for a while, having fun and saying hi to everyone around us. I noticed that when there was a school dance, everyone was friends for just the night, social statuses put aside. Finally, I found a break and headed for the refreshments table which I find is being watched over by Alaric, probably so that no one spikes the drinks. 

"How you finding it?" he asked politely as I helped myself to some punch.

"It's so cool and the decorations are amazing," I replied with a small grin.

"So you and Jeremy -" he began.

"Yeah, we're together and I know, if I hurt him, you'll kill me," I interrupted.

"Seems you've been told before?" his politeness cracked a little as he smiled slightly.

"No, I just know when people are thinking that," I shrugged, taking a sip. There was a bitterness to it so I knew someone had already spiked it without his knowing . . . unless he'd spiked it himself.

"Oh," he nodded with a frown.

"Hey! Isn't it amazing!" Nichole gushed, joining me at the refreshments table, Ben hot on her heels, both with a light in their eyes.

"It really is, Caroline out did herself," I laughed.

"I know right!" Nichole grinned as the song finished.

"Everyone having a good time?" the DJ asked.

"YES!" the whole gym erupted into cheers before we all quietened down to let the DJ speak again.

"Well we're just gonna slow it down for a bit now so everyone find a partner and get on that dance floor," the DJ announced.

Nichole and Ben disappeared and caught a glimpse of Stacy and Hunter already on the dance floor smiling stupidly at each other.

"Can I have this dance?" a voice asked beside me.

"Of course," I spun to face Jeremy and he led me onto the dance floor as a slow song begun.

"So how's this high school experience of a dance?" he asked, placing a hand on my hip and holding my hand with the other, my other hand going to his shoulder.

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