Chapter 7

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Violet's POV.

"Violet -" Klaus began to say.

"I'm going out today," I interrupted as I grabbed my bag.

"I was hoping you would. I have some family business to organise with . . . them," Klaus responded.

"Oh," I looked at him standing in the doorway and couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

"You're lucky you don't have to deal with family any more," Klaus sighed.

"I have to deal with you, don't I?" I grinned.

"I guess you do," Klaus returned my grin.

"Just make sure you're still alive at the end of the day," I replied.

"I will," he laughed as we walked out of my room and down the stairs.

"Promise?" I smirked.

"Promise, now go," he opened the front door for me and I stepped out, turning to say one more thing when I saw his mother at the top of the stairs, watching us with a judging expression in place.

"Just be careful, from what I saw last night, they don't seem like the most . . . trustful family," I told him.

"Compared to yours," he asked.

"Point taken," I laughed, giving him a quick hug before heading to the car.

"Oh and Violet, try not to get into any trouble today," Klaus called out behind me.

"I'll try but I can't promise anything," I called over my shoulder.

Driving into town, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something off about his mother. She seemed to almost have her own agenda in all this 'family' business. If I'd learnt anything about families, it was that it never hurt to double check their motives. 

Driving past the 'Mystic Grill' I thought about dropping in but decided against it after my incident there yesterday. Driving on I thought about enrolling myself in the local school since I would probably be here a while and needed something to do all day while other people my age, well my age as far as they knew, were at school.

Finding an empty car park, I parked and grabbed my bag as well as all my false papers that I kept folded up with me at all times. Walking towards the main entrance, some stragglers ran past me to get to class while I cruised it to the main office. Reaching the front desk I waited for the lady to look up and notice my presence. 

"Hello dear, how may I help you?" she asked politely,giving me her full attention.

"I was hoping to enrol at this school. I just moved in with my god-father after  my parents . . . left," I replied, putting as much emotion into my voice as I could muster.

"I'm so sorry for your lose, you'll need confirmation papers and the principle will have to have an interview with your god-father before we can allow you in," she explained, sympathy filling her voice.

"I have my papers here," I replied, handing over the fake papers that were as up-to-date as they got.

"We'll still need your god-father to come in," she smiled kindly, looking me in the eyes which is when I used it, my compulsion.

"He already came in to talk to you and you accepted me, you just needed me to give my papers in. You just forgot to put me on a role," I explained.

"Of course," she nodded, glancing down at my papers, "Violet McCutchen, I am so sorry, memory blank."

"Not a problem, do you think I could start today?" I asked sweetly.

"Most definitely. Here's your class schedule and a map of the school," she replied, handing me a random schedule and map that was slightly crumpled.

"Okay," I smiled.

"And your registration class is just down this hallway, third on the right, and your locker number is B39," she said before turning to her computer, probably to enter me into class rolls.

"Thanks," I said, turning and walking down the hallway she'd pointed out and soon found my locker as well as my registration class. I didn't have any books so I'd have to go and get them after school. 

I really should have thought this through; you can't plan out spur of the moment decisions though I guess.

"How can I help you?" the kindly old lady sitting at the front of the room asked as I opened the door.

"I'm the new student, Violet McCutchen, in your registration class," I replied, looking her straight in the eye to compel her to remember something that she'd never been told.

"Of course, class!" the lady clapped her hands to silence the noisy class who immediately fell silent on seeing me.

"I'm Mrs Fellpower and welcome to registration 12FP," she told me before turning back to the class to introduce me, "this is Violet McCutchen and she will be joining us this year. I want you all to make her feel welcome." 

I couldn't help rolling me eyes at the last part as I sat down in one of the two spare seats at the front of the class as a boy ran into the class.

"Sorry I'm late!"he panted to the teacher who just sighed and waved him away. He smelt as high on vrevain as the vampire hunter and bartender which was also a lot more than the rest of class who only had traces of it in their system.

"That's my seat," he commented, looming over me.

"Does it have your name on it?" I asked with a smirk. He was cute.

"No but we all have designated spots and that one just happens to be mine," he replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Mr Gilbert, please just sit down in the empty seat. Fast or last," Mrs Fellpower called out.

He sighed and sat down in the only empty seat which just happened to be right next to me. I felt his eyes on me and I turned to smirk at him.

Leaning over I whispered to him, "I thought vampire hunters were meant to be fast and on time?" referring to the stake in his bag and inside jacket pocket.

"You seem to know your surroundings well," he murmured back.

"I try," I sat back in my seat, waiting for the bell to ring which it did seconds later.

The whole class seemed to rise as one and we all headed for the door. Out in the hallway, a hand caught my arm and I spun around to face the young vampire hunting 'Mr Gilbert'.

"You're new round here right? I've never seen you before," he frowned.

"I believe you just answered your own question," I replied cheekily.

"I'm Jeremy, Jeremy Gilbert," he held out his hand.

"Violet, Violet McCutchen." I shook his hand.

"What do you have next vampire?" he asked with a grin. Smart boy.

"Maths, how about you, vampire hunter?" I asked with a smirk.

"Same," he responded.

"Lead the way then," I smirked.

And like that, I'd made my first friend. A hot vampire hunter.

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