Chapter 36

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Violet's POV.

"Violet. Violet, wake up," a voice murmured, jolting me out of my nightmare.

"What?" I sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"You were crying out," Klaus said softly.

The images of Jeremy being tortured by Kol and Rebekah who stood there laughing at it all. I'd tried to run to him but Bonnie would use her magic on me so that I had a searing pain in my head so that I crumpled to the ground, unable to reach him in time. It had been the same dream since he'd gone missing two days ago. 

"Nightmare," I muttered, throwing back the covers.

"They'll find him," Klaus assured me as we walked downstairs to the kitchen.

Alaric, Damon and Elena had started the search with no luck so far, telling me to stay out of it. Klaus had some sired hybrids doing their own little search on the side but no one had any idea where Jeremy and Bonnie were being hidden. I could barely sleep and found myself fighting with myself, whether to burn down the world to find him or to do as I was told for once. 

"We don't know that," I snapped, opening the blood fridge.

"They will. I've seen how devoted they are to each other, they will find them," Klaus repeated.

"And what if they do and it's . . . it's too late? What then?" I ask desperately, "I'll be behind his killing! I'm the reason he killed Rupert. I'm the reason they're trying to get Bonnie to bring Rupert back to life. If I'd never been stupid and fallen for him, he wouldn't be in this mess. None of us would! If I'd told him not to go with Kol at the dance, he would still be here and not being threatened!"

"Calm down Violet," Klaus replied and I realised I was squeezing the blood bag I was holding so that it was almost exploding.

"Calm down? Easy for you to say," I shot back, pushing past him.

He didn't reply or come after me. I heard him go back into his own room from behind my closed door. Finishing off the blood bag, I threw it into the bin and crawled back into bed. I tossed and turned, unable to sleep, feeling vulnerable on my own. Finally I got up and headed to Klaus's room. He was still awake as I opened and closed the door behind me. Walking over I crawled under the covers next to him and felt him hug me from behind.

"Sorry for being a bitch," I muttered into the darkness.

"It's all right love," he replied into my hair and I felt safe, like I always did with him.

He fell asleep long before me. Sleep meant my mind was free to wander without my permission and I was too scared to see what it would bring on. I finally did fall into a light sleep, waking every hour or so to the blackness of the night. Finally, the next time I opened my eyes, it was light outside and Klaus was gone, leaving me alone in the room. 

Sitting up slowly, I looked around, blinking and not really knowing what to do. There was no way I was going to school. Everyone had been told that Jeremy and Bonnie were missing so the school would probably understand me having a day or two off. Sliding slowly out of bed, I padded across the floor and opened the door, heading to my own room where I found Klaus standing holding the picture of Jeremy and I at the lake house, the third photo on my night stand along with the one of Klaus and I in Paris and the one of William and I at my 17th birthday.

"I've decided we're not going to listen to them," he said, back to me still.

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

"We're going to start looking for them. My brother and sister are holding them captive so it can't be too hard trace them down with my contacts," he explained.

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