Chapter 6

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Violet’s POV.
That night, I was all but ready to sneak out of the house, standing at the top of the stairs if I hadn’t seen three people walking up the drive way out the front windows.

One of them was a blonde haired teen girl wearing a short red dress, make-up all done up like she was about to go to a party as well as two boys that looked a bit timeless but definitely in their teens. Both had brown hair, one was cut short while the other was a bit longer an far more old fashioned. Both were wearing clothes that made them look out of place but still, all of them radiated power and confidence as well as anger.

I knew Klaus was having dinner with Elijah and Damon from what I’d picked up through the walls. I’d also learnt that Damon’s brother Stefan was with them. This day was just getting better and better. I was about to go back to my room when I saw the three figures enter the house with Damon and Elijah. When had they left?!

“Don’t go Violet, you should see this,” Elijah said while Damon just looked at me with a mixture of amusement, anger and surprise. I followed behind them and then stuck to the shadows, the other three vampires ignoring me.

“Elijah, why haven’t you left?” Klaus asked, Stefan stepping out of his way and flexing his burnt hand.

“Well where are your manners brother? We forgot dessert,” Elijah replied, pulling back a piece of cloth covering a tray that a blood bag had just brought in to reveal two perfect daggers.

I drew in a sharp breath, knowing exactly what they were. The only thing that could put Klaus to sleep for a long time until someone else pulled it out.

“What have you done?” Klaus asked warily.

“What have you done? See I’ve learnt not to trust your vulgar promises Klaus,” Elijah shot back, glancing at Damon, “We’re doing this on my terms now.”

Just then the vampire boy with the short hair entered the rooms. Kol. Why I hadn’t recognised him before, I didn’t know, but I did now and I could smell trouble brewing in the air.

“Kol,” Klaus’s eyes went wide and he backed away, holding his hands up.

“Long time brother,” Kol replied with a smirk that looked all too familiar.

Klaus vampire speeded to the tray but the dagger he reached for was plucked up.

“Finn don’t,” Klaus looked at the long haired boy just as the dagger was stabbed through his hand and he cried out in pain as Finn ripped it out. Klaus immediately turned to run for another exit but his way was blocked by the blonde in the red dress.

“Rebekah,” was the only word he was able to utter as she stabbed him in the gut with a knife. And I thought my family was messed up.

“This is for our mother,” was all she said before pulling the knife out and pushing Klaus back so that Kol grabbed his arms and held him back.

“You’re free to go,” Elijah said, not taking his eyes off the scene before him as Stefan and Damon left the room, “this is family business.”

I think it’s time for me to leave too, I thought and was about to slip out of the room when Elijah’s voice stopped me, “Violet, why don’t you stay? You are part of the family now.”

I turned slowly to see everyone’s attention shift from Klaus to me.

“Hi,” I smiled weakly.

“Who’s she?” the blonde – Rebekah – asked haughtily. Now that, was not going to sit well with me.

“Violet, who the hell are you?” I asked.

“Rebekah,” she replied with a scowl.

“Don’t scowl, it does nothing good for your features,” I respond with a smirk, making myself comfortable on a chair at the table.

“How is she part of the family?” Finn asked, frowning at me.

“She’s Klaus’s adopted god-daughter,” Elijah replied, his eyes shifting back to Klaus.

“You can’t be serious,” Rebekah laughed hollowly.

“Well he is serious,” I chip in.

“I’m all for her staying,” Kol added in.

“So you’re Kol,” I looked him up and down, “I’ll admit, you do look better in person.”

“I get that a lot,” he replied cockily.

“People visited you while you were all shrivelled up in your coffin?” I mock gasped and his cocky smile was wiped off his face in an instant.

“I don’t think I like her very much,” Rebekah commented.

“I don’t think I like you very much either,” I retorted.

“Stop it!” Klaus suddenly yelled breaking free of Kol’s grip and spinning around to face his siblings angrily. They all moved so that it was them verses Klaus while I stood off to the side.

“You do not tell me what to do!” he yelled, “I’m the hybrid and I can’t be killed so I don’t see what you’re all doing here! I have nothing to fear from any of you!”

I was shocked, never had I never seen Klaus lose it like this; it obviously wasn’t a surprise to his siblings that stood there smiling and smirking at him though.

“You will when we have that coffin,” Elijah replied in a calm but angry voice. I frowned, hating to be left behind.

“What coffin?” I stepped forward to ask.

“The one that holds our mother,” Finn replied as if talking to a student.

There was a tense silence as I absorbed this and the siblings eyed each other cautiously. Klaus’s face turned from angry to worried all at once and I knew at once that he would be in trouble if this coffin was opened.

The front door suddenly opened and everyone spun around to see who it was. We were all paralysed as we watched the lady with the long light brown hair walk inside. She wore a long floor length dress that was old fashioned and looked like it used to be every day wear, centuries ago.

Klaus gasped as the lady looked around at everyone, her eyes resting on me a moment longer before moving on.

“Mother,” Rebekah said, speechless.

The lady walked past four of her surprised and gaping children and walked up to Klaus who looked at the ground, not meeting her eyes. He seemed powerless in front of her, trying to find the right words but failing.

“Look at me,” the lady demanded and it looked almost as if he were going to refuse until he finally brought his eyes up to meet hers unwillingly.

“Do you know, why I’m here?” she asked.

“You’re here to kill me,” he barely whispered in a forced voice.

“Niklaus, you are my son. And I am here to forgive you,” she voiced.

The room seemed let out the breath it was holding as she turned to face the rest of us, including me in her gaze as well as she said, “I want us to be a family again.”

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