Chapter 48

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Violet's POV.

"OMG I LOVE THIS MOVIE!" Nichole squealed at the top of her lungs.

"Keep it down! My parents are right upstairs," Hunter laughed, plopping down on Stacy's mattress with a bowl of popcorn.

"Well I do and I'm gonna enjoy it and show that dickhead Ben what fun his idiocy is causing me to have," Nichole replied.

"You show him girl!" I said with a mouth full of ice cream.

Hunter, Stacy, Nichole, Jeremy and I were all at Hunter's place for the first Friday night of the term. Stacy's parents had taken the most convincing since it was her boyfriend's house we were staying over at and there would be two boys sleeping in the same room but had relented when Nichole and I had done enough begging.

We had five mattresses in a line in Hunter's lounge in front of the TV, the couches and coffee table pushed to the side, and our sleeping bags laid out, ready for a late night. Lolly bags, bowls of popcorn, chocolate, fizzy drinks, plastic cups, pizza boxes and ice cream tubs and bowls littered the floor around us. The order was Hunter, Stacy, Nichole, me and Jeremy across but at the moment we were all spread out across the mattresses, all already in PJ's but Hunter had decided to show off and go shirtless while Jeremy wore a singlet round the top.

"This is a chick flick," Jeremy raised an eyebrow, looking over at Hunter who was sitting next to Stacy with a blanket wrapped around them both.

"What, my sister watches them," Hunter shrugged.

"That's what they all say," I smirked, sitting cross legged on my mattress next to Nichole, eating cookies and cream ice cream straight out of the tub.

"You can keep your mouth shut thank you very much, I saw you hiding your face during Nightmare on Elm Street," Hunter replied, pointing an accusing finger at me.

"Sorry 'bout it dude," I poked my tongue out at him.

"Come on, start the movie already!" Stacy whined, before eating another mouthful of popcorn.

"Mean Girls here we come," Jeremy sighed, hitting play on the remote before sitting back next to me.

"It's not that bad," I rolled my eyes.

"You know the actress playing Regina George -" Nichole began.

"Rachel McAdams," Stacy chipped in, her eyes never leaving the screen though.

"- wore a wig the entire movie," Nichole finished.

"Wouldn't that be uncomfortable?" Hunter frowned.

"Exactly!" Nichole exclaimed before taking another scoop of ice cream.

"You know the girl that plays Cady - " Stacy begun.

"Lindsay Lohan," the rest of us said together.

" - is now in rehab," Stacy finished.

"Are you mocking me?" Nichole turned to Stacy, a disbelieving look on her face.

"Never," I gasped sarcastically and Jeremy chuckled.

"You little bitch," Nichole looked at Stacy seriously.

"Wow Nichole," Hunter whistled.

"It was just a joke," Stacy turned to Nichole, only to get a pillow in the face.

"Oh it is on," Stacy said, grabbing her own pillow and went in to hit Nichole who ducked so I got hit instead.

"How dare you!" I cried, grabbing my pillow from behind Jeremy and threw it at Stacy and hit Jeremy in the process from behind.

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