Chapter 21

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Violet's POV.

Klaus led the way in as Jeremy and I followed holding hands and I was expecting some pretty outrageous expressions when we walked into the bar but it was still priceless. 

I swear Matt almost dropped the tray of empty drinks he was carrying while Damon and Alaric's mouths fell open so fast I thought the bottom of their jaws were going to fall off.

I had to stop myself from laughing  but I couldn't suppress a smirk crossing my face. I guess they weren't expecting the unexpected.

Sitting down in a small booth, Klaus called for a menu and I couldn't help looking at Jeremy who didn't look the slightest bit surprised at the reactions we'd gotten. 

"Here's your menu, do you want anything to drink?" Matt asked and I had to stifle a giggle. Of all the waiters. 

"I'll have a beer," Klaus said before looking at Jeremy and me for confirmation on what we wanted.

"I'll have a sprite," I smiled sweetly.

"Water for me," Jeremy added and I already knew Matt would be loading that water up with as much vrevain as possible.

"So you don't yet wish to bolt for the door?" Klaus asked casually, looking over his menu.

"I think I'll stay a little longer," Jeremy replied before we all fell into an uneasy silence to look over our menus.

I couldn't help feeling slightly proud of Jeremy for braving all of this. He'd probably get an earful at home since Elena already knew thanks to my amazing hearing abilities which picked up Damon's conversation on the phone to her which sounded like he was almost accusing her of letting Jeremy out of the house.

"Can I get you anything to eat?" Matt asked, placing our drinks in front of us. I was right, Jeremy's drink reeked of vrevain and the smell was so over powering, I cringed away from it.

"I'll have the plate of the day," Klaus said, casually, glancing at him.

"And you?" Matt asked in a voice that was somewhere between stiff and fear, turning to Jeremy and I.

"We'll share a large of my usual pizza," Jeremy replied for us both and Matt just nodded before turning and walking away a little slower than a fast walk.

"Ummm, what was that?" I asked looking at Jeremy with a raised eyebrow. 

"That was me ordering a pizza for us both," he grinned.

"And may I ask what the usual is?" I smirked.

"That would be double cheese with peperoni," he replied, "I was always told that the way to a girls heart is through her stomach."

"What if this girls heart isn't beating though?" Damon asked with a smirk, leaning his hand on the end of the table.

"Then it's harder to get to and she's safer," Klaus replied before either Jeremy or I could.

"Or she doesn't have a heart that needs to be gotten too," Damon retorted.

Ouch, that hurt.

"Is there something you wanted to say or do you just want me to kill you?" Klaus asked, finally looking up at Damon.

"I just came to have a friendly chat with the new person in town," Damon replied.

"Last time you had a friendly chat with her, I specifically remember it ended with you trying to kill her," Klaus said, an icy edge entering his voice.

"Ahhh yes, I do remember that," Damon nodded, smirk in place.

"I don't care how many witnesses there are, if you don't leave us now," Klaus said, venom dripping in his voice, "I'll kill you and your friend Alaric."

"Whatever you say, just watch the food," he said with one more quick glance my way before he rejoined Alaric at the bar.

"How does your sister put up with him?" I ask, rounding on Jeremy.

"I ask myself that question all the time," he replied in an emotionless voice.

"Here you go," Matt placed Klaus's 'plate of the day' which was a burger and chips in front of him and a large pizza in front of Jeremy and I.

It smelt amazing but had a weird smell to it that I couldn't quite place. Probably some herb or spice that I'd never smelt before.

"Dig in," Klaus grinned and so we did. 

Well, I only got as far as one huge bite before my whole mouth and throat felt like they'd gone up in flames. I dropped my piece of pizza and chocked, trying to get the one in my mouth out. I felt the veins around my eyes become clear, like they did when I was about to have a feed on blood, as I finally spat the piece of pizza out of my mouth.

Now I could clearly identify the smell: vrevain, pizza style. 

As my mouth and throat started to cool down, the reality around me came back into focus as the bar broke into chaos, people freaking out as I chocked as Damon was thrown across the room so hard he hit the glass and fell the ground, Klaus immediately there to snap his neck. Alaric and Matt went flying next and were knocked out in an instant. 

Then there was Jeremy, sitting beside me and saying my name over and over again. Begging to know if I was okay. Klaus was suddenly there and holding him up against the wall by his throat as Jeremy struggled to breath.

"I  . . . . didn't know," he chocked out, starting to turn colours in the face.

"Klaus, don't!" I said forcefully, getting up.

"It's your lucky day mate," Klaus said menacingly to Jeremy before letting him fall to the ground where he coughed, trying to regain his breath. "It's time we left," was all Klaus said to me.

I looked back at Jeremy one more time, his eyes pleading me to believe him when he said he didn't know and I just nodded, hoping he got the message that I believed him before Klaus tugged me out of the bar and into the car.

"What a lovely way to get to know the parents," Klaus muttered.

"It was a lot more interesting than the last boy to meet my actual parents," I replied and he didn't say anything as we rode home in silence, me trying to decipher Klaus's thoughts on the situation.

In truth, I was sort of scared for Jeremy's life at this point which was never a good feeling. 

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