Chapter 17

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Violet's POV.

Tuesday morning. Yes, I'd skipped school on Monday and Klaus hadn't questioned me after I'd locked myself in my room all of Sunday and then on Monday again. Now he was getting annoyed though because he knew I was getting hungry which made me grumpy. Since I had no intention of opening the door, he had to bust down the door to get into my room and literally drag me out of bed. 

He had to threaten me just to get dressed, let alone have breakfast, pack my bags and then get in the car. I stopped 3 times down the road and he ended up getting in the car and only got out down the road from school, only to watch me drive into school.

Now I sat in the car, not moving an inch. I could just sit here all day and then go home at the end of the day. Unfortunately I'd put Klaus's number as the emergency contact number so he would know and probably come down to the school and force me into class.

Finally I get out of the car, grab my bag and head to class. Glancing at the clock in the hallway, I realise I only have a few minutes left of registration. The bell rang just I walked into registration and I was about to turn around and leave when Mrs Fellpower called me back. Turning around in a full circle, I went and stood in front of her desk expectantly.

"You were away yesterday and late today, is everything okay?" she asked, concern written all over her face.

"I'm fine really," I said, making my way slowly to the door.

"Well you know if you need anyone to talk to -"

"I'll come to you," I finished for her before bolting out the classroom. 

Making my way to my first class, History, I took one look at Jeremy and knew there was something wrong. He wasn't meeting my eyes and didn't try to strike up a conversation as soon as I took my seat next to him. Alaric was our teacher and there was really no avoiding him except he never tried to approach me, thank god.

"Violet, since you were away yesterday when we started our projects, I've put you in a group with Jeremy, Stacy and Hunter," he explained before telling us all to continue with our work from yesterday and went to help a group.

"So, we decided on our project yesterday,” Stacy began as her and Hunter pulled up chairs to join Jeremy and me. He was still ignoring me and obviously he didn’t have anything to do with the choosing of our groups.

“Sure, what’s our topic?” I forced myself to tear my eyes away from Jeremy to look at her and smile tightly.

“Jeremy came up with the idea to study and present a board on the mystery of the McCutchen deaths in 1920. You could be related to them somehow for all we know,” she said, smile in place as Hunter flicked through notes he’d already taken.

“Did he now?” I asked, turning my accusing gaze on Jeremy who avoided meeting my eyes.

“Yeah, it’s actually a really cool idea,” Stacy said excitedly. I could tell without knowing her that well, that she was the peppy-nerd type.

“So we split up the jobs, Stacy and I are going to look into all the  murder case studies to come up with the most accurate idea of what happened and Jeremy and you are going to research the family history to maybe find out if that has anything to do with the deaths,” Hunter explained.

“Great,” I muttered.

“Cool, well Hunter and I already have notes so you guys can take the computer time today,” Stacy smiled before her and Hunter got up and left.

Why did I always end up with him!? Fate really wasn’t on my side obviously and why did I get the feeling that Alaric may have had something to do with it.

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