Chapter 10

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Violet's POV.

Wandering through the crowds, I'd so far managed to talk to the major and a few other townspeople and the bottom line was that this seemed to be a place where nothing really happened. According to the humans at least. To the human eye, I was probably the youngest person here so far since everyone else was either an adult or graduating next year.

I was about to give on Jeremy ever showing and head to my room for the night. So far Elena had shown up with Stefan and Damon as her escorts and the whole of the Mikaelson family were obviously here too, but Jeremy and Caroline were no shows. I saw Klaus steeling continuous glances towards the front door and knew he was just waiting for Caroline to show. I knew exactly how he felt. It seems the two people we actually wanted here were not going to show up after all.

Just then, I saw Caroline come in the door and Klaus immediately abandoned the girl he was talking to and approached Caroline without a backwards glance. Cute but rude. He said something to Caroline who replied and walked past him, heading for the refreshments table. Wow, he really chose the right girl to fall for didn't he?

"I can't dance but I'm still going to ask to dance with you for the next one so we both don't stand around looking like idiots the whole night," a voice from behind me commented.

"You decided to show," I smirked.

"So did you," Jeremy grinned, "and you look gorgeous."

"You don't look too bad yourself," I commented as the current song came to a close and the people on the dance floor moved off, leaving it free for everyone else. 

"So you wanna dance?" he asked just everyone started to gather around the stair case.

"I think there's an announcement first," I replied as we joined the crowds.

"Welcome, thank you for joining us," Elijah began and I looked around.

Klaus, Rebekah, Kol, Finn and Elijah were all standing on the stair case, glasses in hand. Esther joined them as Elijah spoke and looked across us all. I had the feeling she was up to no good for some reason but I brushed it off.

"You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance," Elijah explained and I couldn't help over hearing a whispered exchange between Damon and Stefan who had their eyes glued to Esther.

"Do you see who I see?" Damon asked.

"Oh yeah," came Stefan's reply.

Turning my ears away from their conversation, I felt a pair of eyes boring into me and I turned my head to find Klaus's intense gaze on me. He seemed to be asking me why I wasn't placed on the stairs since I was technically family too. Turning away from him, out of shame for not joining them, I tuned my ears to what Elijah was saying.  

"Tonight's pick is a centuries old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ball room," Elijah finished.

"Can you waltz?" I asked Jeremy.

"No, can you?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"A bit," I smirked.

"Then you can lead," he laughed, leading me into the ball room.

I looked back to see Esther retreat back up the stairs and Elena try to follow.

"Don't even think about it," Damon's voice stopped her.

"She wants to see me alone Damon," Elena replied, trying to step around him.

"Well sucks to be her then; was I not clear this morning?" he asked.

"I was invited," Elena shot back.

"You have to tell me before you walk into a lions den," Damon replied in a hushed voice.

"Why? So that you can stop me?" Elena commented.

"Yes," Damon replied and after a pause added, "it would be rude not to dance you know?"

"It is tradition," Elena finally answered reluctantly. 

"You sure you know how to waltz?" Jeremy asked, pulling me away from Damon and Elena's conversation and back to my current position which was Jeremy leading me onto the dance floor. Why would Esther want to see Elena alone? I wondered.

Jeremy and I were paired on the dance floor and I looked around to find Damon with Elena, Caroline with Klaus, Matt with Rebekah while Kol, Elijah and Finn were with random girls. Interesting how everyone was on the dance floor. At least Klaus was getting his dance with Caroline.

"Ready?" Jeremy asked, grinning.

"Just follow everyone else," I smiled as the dance began.

"You know, I never thought I'd actually attend a ball," Jeremy laughed.

"In New Zealand there's a ball for all the year 13's each year," I replied.

"You know your countries well," he stated.

"I've had time to travel," I smirked before I was spun into someone else's arms and found it was Klaus. Great.

"So why didn't you join us on the stairs?" he asked in a low voice.

"I thought it would be rude to join you while Elijah was speaking," I replied quickly.

"Now why don't I believe you?" he wondered aloud, "what are you doing with Jeremy Gilbert?"

"We're friends, he's in all my classes at school," I explained.

"You're friends with people that can be very dangerous to you," Klaus concluded before spinning me and I was once again partnered with Jeremy.

Like going from one world to another.

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