Chapter 41

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Violet's POV.

Just over one whole week. That was how long I'd been able to keep the act up so far. So far so good too . . . if it didn't killed me inside a little bit more every time he so much as looked at Bonnie or exchanged a stiff word with me. He was so cautious around me still, I felt slightly insulted that he didn't believe I was safe even though I hadn't touched or so much as thought about drinking from someone. Not that I wanted to, I mean, they all stunk of vrevain. 

It was now Friday; the final day of the first school term. Believe it or not, I'd managed to go a term in Mystic Falls without killing someone in the area. That was a new record for me and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't proud of myself. 

Kol was still holed up in our basement, that I didn't even know existed until now, and tightly shut into a coffin with a dagger in his heart . . . just the way I liked it. 

"Violet! Earth to Violet!" Nichole waved her hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my day dream where I tour out Bonnie's throat.

"Huh?" I blinked looking from Nichole to Stacy and back.

"Were you listening to a word we said?" Stacy raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry, repeat?" I asked quickly.

"We were talking about going to Tyler Lockwood's place," Stacy filled me in.

"Why would we want to go to that dickhead's place?" I frowned.

"Because he's hosting a party and his parties are amazing," Nichole shrugged, "plus I sorta already promised Ben I'd go."

"And ta da, we have the real reason for going matched with the used out reason," I smirked.

"Well his parties are pretty good," Nichole rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, it'll be the first party back since you left that we all go to," Stacy looked at me with a pleading gaze.

"Fine," I said reluctantly with a sigh.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Nichole squeezed me tight before stepping back and becoming serious.

"Okay girls, what are we going to wear?" she asked.

"Shorts and a t-shirt?" I suggested and the two of them looked at me as if I was crazy as Hunter joined us.

"They're looking at you as if you just committed a crime," Hunter noted, "who'd you kill this time? The janitor or the deputy?"

"I suggested wearing shorts and a t-shirt to Tyler's party," I corrected.

"How could you?" he gasped in mock horror.

"I know right!" Nichole said in all seriousness, "you can't wear that to a party. It's dress or you stay home."

"I'd pick the latter but Stacy would probably come and drag me there by my ears," I smirked.

"You know me so well," Stacy laughed.

Okay, so I'd gone a over week as if all was fine and they'd bought the entire act. Unfortunately . . . that didn't mean I lied to myself inwardly. Almost any time someone said something, even if they just meant to tease me, it reminded me of Jeremy. I remember when he said those exact words at the dance as the slow song we;d been dancing to had ended. Right before Holly showed up with Kol.

"I try," I shrugged and smirked as if nothing was wrong while thoughts zipped around in my head.

"So we're all going to the party tonight?" Hunter asked, looking at the three of us.

"Yup, we'll meet you there then?" Stacy inquired.

"Sure, Jeremy's getting a ride with me so we'll probably be really early or really late," Hunter laughed giving her a peck on the lips.

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