Chapter 32

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Violet's POV.

"Violet," a voice mumbled in my ear. 

Turning over, I buried my head in my pillow deeper, blocking out the voice and the birds outside as well as the sun trying to pry open my eyes. It was way too early after staying up most of the night talking and kissing. 

"Violet," came the voice again but again, I ignored it until I finally heard it as footsteps retreated down the hallway. 

With a sigh, I rolled over so I was on my side and continued to let my dreams take me where they wanted. I was on the verge of falling asleep again when I felt searing cold pain spread across my head and shoulders and I screamed as I jumped out of bed. When I'd regained my senses I turned in a circle to find Jeremy standing there with a - now empty - giant glass, grin in place as light danced cheekily in his eyes.

"You. Are. Dead," I fumed as I vampire sped towards him but he was already out of the room and running downstairs. I stood still at the top of the stairs and turned on my vampire hearing and listened to him walk through the kitchen, to the back of the house and into the back lounge and hid in the back corner behind the curtain that fell to the floor and covered the glass slide doors when it was closed. 

Smirking to myself I crept downstairs quietly and went to where I knew he was and used my vampire speed to whip back the curtain.

"Truce?" he asked hopefully.

"Far from it," I replied, knowing I had the upper hand at the moment.

"You wouldn't wake up and it's already 11," he pointed out and a glance at the clock told me he was right. Damn, I'd been tired.

"And I couldn't sleep longer?" I rebutted.

"I was hungry," he answered weakly.

"And of course I'm your cook right?" I asked, hands on hips now.

"You're my amazing cook, my best friend, my own trouble maker and my amazing girlfriend," he replied, stepping forwards and slipping his arms round my waist.

"You know you can't just say sweet things and have everything turn better?" I said but I could feel my anger at being woken so easily melt away.

"Well who said I was going to only try talking you into forgiving me?" he grinned.

"You naughty boy," I chuckled.

"You say that a lot," he replies.

"Because it's true but that doesn't mean you have to stop," I add hurriedly.

"Not that I planned to," he mumbled and kissed me.

"You know I really am hungry," he breathed when we finally broke apart.

"What'll it be today then?" I asked.

"Whatever you choose," he responded while we walked to the kitchen.

"You know what I'd choose," I roll my eyes.

"Right, in that case, whatever you choose that I would enjoy eating," he rephrased.

"Bacon and eggs it is," I suggest the easiest thing I can think of.

"That sounds great," he grinned.

"I'll go get changed and be down in a sec. I'd rather not walk around half soaked," I walk up the stairs and into my room. Ignoring the half wet bed.

After getting changed, I blow dried my hair, let him suffer a little longer, which was when I heard the phone ring. I heard Jeremy answer it and say hello to Stacy on the other end. Knowing he'd probably tell me later what she'd called about, I didn't bother tuning in, instead finishing off my hair, applying my minimal make up and heading downstairs, reaching the kitchen as he hung up.

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