Chapter 40

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Violet’s POV.
“So how was school?” Klaus asked casually, pulling out of the school car park.

“Fine,” I reply automatically.

“Really? So wasn’t too hard?” he continued to question me.

“It is only school, I’ve been to millions of different ones before,” I shrugged, watching the houses go past.

“You know what I mean,” Klaus replied.

“Really, it was fine. It was cool seeing everyone again,” I brushed my hair behind my ear.

“If you say so . . .” Klaus trailed off.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I finally asked, the silence snapping me.

“That’s what I was waiting for,” Klaus said.

“You didn’t answer my question,” I rounded on him.

“What was I supposed to tell you? That a boy who doesn’t remember you is seeing someone you don’t get along with? I’ve never had to deal with this before so sorry if I make a few mistakes,” Klaus sighed.

“My life is so messed up,” I groaned, hitting the dashboard before leaning back in my seat.

“Day was that bad?” Klaus looked at me sideways.

“I had to stop myself from strangling Bonnie and slapping Jeremy into remembering. He looks at me like I’m going to start feeding on the next classmate at any second and having my locker right next to his does not help. He’s so doped up on vrevain I can barely be around him as it is,” I ramble, “he’s so different from last time I met him. He’s so . . . not the Jeremy I know.”

“He changed with you,” Klaus shrugged, “that’s only to be expected.”

“I know but I thought he’d still at least act the same but instead he’s so uptight and different. So . . . serious,” I look down at my hands on my lap.

“You’re meeting him for what he was before he met you,” Klaus stated, “he’s not going to ever be like that again, even if we do somehow get Rebekah to let him remember.”

“That’ll never happen,” I say bluntly.

“I’ve got people hunting her and Kol down at the moment,” he pointed out.

“Don’t bother; we can’t force her to compel him to remember. Accept the fact now,” I reply and feel his gaze flit between me and the road.

We ride on in an almost tense silence until Klaus pulled up outside the Mystic Grill and parked the car.

“What are we doing here?” I asked, confused.

“We’re here to get a drink,” Klaus replies, getting out of the car.

“But its Wednesday and a school night,” I object, opening my door.

“We’ll live,” Klaus called over his shoulder, hitting the button on his keys to lock the car and going in.

I let out a huff and got out of the car, and closed my door, following him in. I stopped short when I entered, seeing Jeremy and Bonnie playing pool in the far corner. Holding my head high, I pretended not to have noticed them and went to join Klaus at the bar as he ordered two beers.

“Why are we really here?” I turned to Klaus, raising an eyebrow.

“You’ve had a rouge day and I’m helping you relax a bit?” he suggested with a smirk.

“You suck,” I replied as two beers were put in front of us by Matt who shot me a look between pity and caution before he went off to continue with his work.

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