Chapter 37

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Violet's POV.

We reached the abandoned house in 45 minutes. Once we'd pulled up, a good way from the house we just sat in the car, both thinking about what to do. As much as I wanted to charge in there, I really didn't know what to expect and was kind of scared. Finally Klaus broke the silence.

"They're not in there," he said, his voice sounding annoyed.

"How do you know?" I demanded.

"I can't hear a sound and this place hasn't been touched in decades," he replied, already starting the car up.

"Well we still have to have a look!" I said frantically, trying to unlock my door so we could get out. 

"Violet, no one is there," came Klaus's harsh reply.

"What's wrong?" I asked, suddenly suspicious. 

"There aren't three places to look. There are actually only two. We thought -" he started to explain.

"What!?" I exploded, cutting him off, "you thought I couldn't handle it!? That I'd blow the plan when I saw him!?"

"Yes actually," he replied sternly.

"I can't believe you have that little faith in me," I muttered, leaning back in my seat heavily.

"After the way you reacted to the letter and ring, it's understandable. Kol sent that to bait us, put us n edge and we can't let him have that power over us," Klaus explained.

". . . well then where do we go now?" I demand after a pause.

"No where. We are exactly half way between the two other locations we had in mind. When one of the others arrives at the right location, we will drive there," Klaus said matter-of-factly.

"So we sit and wait?" I looked at him venomously.

"Yes Violet, we sit and wait," Klaus replied.

"This is so stupid," I mumbled, trying to distract myself by looking at our surroundings.

~ 1 very boring and long hour later ~

My phone started to ring.

Klaus and I both looked at Elena's caller ID before I snatched it up.

"Hello?" I asked, almost nervously.

"We're . . . we're here," Elena gulped.

"Elena, what's wrong?" I asked urgently, sitting forward in my seat on high alert.

"Violet be careful, it's the second place we talked about. Just hurry up please," she said before the line went dead.

"So it's the first place we talked about," Klaus mused.

"She specifically said the second," I pointed out.

"We knew we'd run into trouble and it seems they have. To the motel we go," Klaus revved the engine and we were off. 

"Klaus what do you mean you thought you'd run into trouble?" I questioned.

"Well we wouldn't know which place it was without having a look around which is when we'd be caught in the spot light so here we go, to save the poor victims from the grip of my siblings," Klaus sighed, speeding up as he over-took a car.

"How long will it take to get there?" I continued questioning him, clutching my phone for dear life, almost hoping it would ring again.

"An hour and a half but we can shorten that time if we continue at this speed," he answered.

"Don't get too mathematical on me now," I smirked, glad to finally be doing something.

We made it there in just under an hour, pulling up down on the side of the road in the middle of no-where.

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