Chapter 23

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Violet's POV.

Thankfully nothing did happen that day, or in the days that followed. It was Wednesday which meant presentation day in History. Holding the presentation under one arm, I tried to make sense of the cue cards Stacy had thrust at me only seconds before, telling me to memorise as much of them as possible. Fat chance.

"Next up we have Jeremy, Stacy, Hunter and Violet with the McCutchen murder case," Alaric announced, sitting behind his desk as the group before us took their seats again and we took their place in front of the class.

As I stood the board up, I held one side and Hunter held the other to keep it standing on the teachers desk and facing the class, Stacy began to talk.

"We decided to look into the unsolved McCutchen murder case of 1920, based in Chicago," she introduced.

"The McCutchen murder case included 52 deaths that were all unsolved," Hunter added.

"Among those deaths were 20 staff members, 29 party goers and 3 family members," I continued, feeling Alaric's eyes watching me closely.

"The 3 family members found dead were the eldest daughter, Naomi, and Mr and Mrs McCutchen. It was said that the youngest daughter, Violette, was missing and she was never found, dead or alive," Jeremy said.

It felt weird hearing my old name, Violette, after so long. I'd changed it almost straight after waking, not wanting to keep my old name. Violette was said: Vi(e)-o-lette which I had drilled into the group before hand saying that we had to say it right or we may as not be even talking about her.

"From what we researched the night started with a party, the birthday of Naomi. It was said in the police report that it was after midnight when the deaths occurred but the bodies weren't found until the next day at midday," Stacy began to explain before Hunter and her started taking turns, telling the class about their two theories that seemed most accurate while Jeremy and I stayed quiet unless we were adding in facts about the family or life before the deaths occurring. 

I was surprised to find that most of the class stayed awake and listened to the whole presentation with rapt attention while Alaric's eyes never seemed to stray far from my face. It felt weird standing in front of a class of teens and telling them about my life, even if most of the facts weren't true. 

"And to finish it off, I created a family tree of how Violet here could be related to them," Stacy beamed and I snapped to attention, sharing a quick glance with Jeremy as Stacy unrolled a piece of paper I had't noticed before. 

It was like any other family tree, starting my grandparents but instead of me being an off-spring of my family due to wedlock somehow, I was the great granddaughter of my first cousin Rupert. Of all my cousins it had to be him. He was a perverted snob that was a year older than me and the only person that Naomi and I ever banded together against. I couldn't stop a snort escaping my mouth and Stacy's smile immediately dropped.

"I'm not being mean, I'm just . . . wondering how you got hold of my family tree. Even I can't find it in the attic at home," I laughed nervously and her smile returned.

"A little research was all it took," she laughed and the class clapped as we retook our seats.

A few more people presented on topics such as WWI and Hitler's death but I'm pretty sure ours was the most exciting. When the bell finally rang and we were let out with promises that our presentations would all be marked by Friday. 

Making my way to the carpark, I noticed the car was parked with Klaus leaning against it, a smile, not a smirk, a smile, playing on his lips. Looking in the same direction as him I realised he was watching Caroline talking with a group of people seriously; probably discussing the next major school event.

"He likes her doesn't he?" Jeremy asked, standing next to me to look between Klaus and Caroline. 

"What gave it away? The drool or the way he glares at any other boy that so much as looks her way?" I smirked.

"Bit of both, but he's smiling," Jeremy shrugged.

"You noticed too," I stated softly.

"Like you, he smirks more than he smiles," Jeremy commented.

"I think the presentation went well," I changed topics.

"It did, but what was so funny about your great grandfather Rupert?" he inquired.

"He's a perverted snob that's a year older than me," I snorted and he chuckled.

"Did the gene get passed down?" a voice asked and we spun around to face Bonnie.

"He's my cousin, not my great grandfather," I retorted.

"The snob gene must run in the family," Bonnie smiled sweetly.

"Bonnie, you think you can scar me off with your witchy magic and friends but seriously, what is your issue? I'm pretty sure I've never killed one of your relatives so you can't hold that against me," I stepped forward, not backing down.

"You know why I hate you," she responded.

"Hate is such a strong word," I smirked, "and I know, I just want to hear you say it." 

"You weren't this sure of yourself on Monday," she shot back.

"What, when you used your powers to get into my head?" I asked and felt Jeremy stiffen beside me, listening in on our conversation. Bonnie noticed too and narrowed her eyes at me, realising the tactics I was using.

"I don't trust you and I will find out what you're up to," she stated before walking over to Caroline.
"What if I'm not up to something?" I whispered, just loud enough for myself to hear.

Turning, I saw Klaus watching me now, a not to happy look on his face. 

"What was that all about?" Jeremy asked.

"Nothing," I muttered, nodding over at Klaus I added, "I better go."

"See you tomorrow then," he said with a sigh.

"See ya," I shot him a quick smile and headed over to Klaus.

I'd only gotten a few steps when Jeremy called my name and I turned to see him just standing there, a smile on his face and gleam in his eyes. Biting my lip, I shot one more look Klaus's way before walking the few steps back to Jeremy and kissing him. My lips fit perfectly to his and I seemed to melt into him. It was over sooner than I wanted but that couldn't really be helped with everyone around us. Opening my eyes, I met his grinning expression.

"See you tomorrow," he grinned.

"See you tomorrow," I smiled, shaking me head before he walked away to join Elena, looking once more over his shoulder to wave.

"Don't say a word," I said, getting in the car and Klaus just grinned in response.

We were pulling out of the carpark when the silence was finally broken. 

"I always knew there was something between you and the Gilbert boy," Kol's voice came from the back seat and I turned around to gawk at him.

I hadn't even realised he was there.

"Did I mention he was there?" Klaus asked.

"Nope," I replied, facing forward.

"Must have slipped my mind," he replied and I knew him and Kol were smirking at each other in the review mirror.

"Bloody brothers," I muttered which set them both chuckling.

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