one. First Day

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Deep breaths y/n

In and then, you got this

   You repeated these words to yourself as you rode the elevator up to the floor that would be like your new home. The BAU, you finally had made it here after years of hard work, and at only 27 years old. You were finally a profiler. And it was time to meet your team. One more deep breath.

   You walked in and spotted those you knew were apart of the BAU, you had previously looked them up to have an idea of everyone. So as they introduced themselves you locked in voices with faces and backgrounds.

"Aaron Hotchner, Hotch if you please" Unit chief, widow, leader.

"Derek Morgan" Team stud, gorgeous man, looks good at busting down doors.

"Emily Prentiss" Wow, natural dominance, crazy past.

"David Rossi" Italian stallion, oldie but a goodie.

"Penelope Garcia" She is the light of this team, computer god.

"And I'm Dr. Spencer Reid" Boy genius, kinda cute.

Not the time y/n. 

   The team stared at you, and it clicked that it was time to stop the inner monologue and introduced yourself. 

" Oh, I'm sorry" You awkwardly laughed. "I'm y/n y/l/n. " You looked around at everyone and smiled, hoping this wasn't the worst first impression. You could tell from their body language they were close, and you wanted to be apart of that someday. 

" Well, let's get you started." Hotch put an arm on your back and started guiding you around the office, showing you where everything is. "And finally, this is Dr. Reid's desk" He pointed out the desk right in front of your view. "And this will be yours." Hotch looked down and you realized you were standing by an empty desk, a desk that every time you looked up you'd be looking at Dr. Reid.

"A pretty decent view." 


Hey guys! Sorry it's short but it's just the beginning. This is based off of a MatthewGooby tik tok (also her user on here too!) but I just could  not get this story out of my head so I just had to write it. Don't worry, plenty of spicy Spence in  the future. Also this probably won't be super long! But i am not sure yet

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