Part 3 signing the form

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Lili's POV
Right as I said that I wish I could take it back! "wait really!" My mom said with excitement which it made me smile to see her so happy! "I mean if your not gonna stop bugging me about it but I am not even gonna get chosen anyway why are you so excited" I teased laughing at how excited my mom and sisters were! "I am just happy for you honey" my mom said as she gave me a hug. Wow! The mood changes.

It may not seem it, but I just love my family so much. We may live in this tiny home, with close to no food, but the thing keeping us going is each other and I really admire that about them! "Ok let me just go get the paper so you can sign it" my mom said hurrying to go get the paper. I just laughed at how excited they were!

nerves flew over me as they set the paper down in front of me. I looked over the form as I saw dozens of questions about me, my lifestyle, what I like, what I don't like, I was shocked! It took me about an hour to finish filling it out before we finally went to bed, and would turn in the form the next day.

I went to bed thinking about all the possibilities. What if I was actually chosen! What if Archie was hinting that he didn't like me anymore earlier! What if I am the next princess of illea. All these questions running through my head I couldn't think straight! Eventually I fell asleep.

The next morning
I woke up to the peaceful sounds of birds chirping, I loved the way they were always there to wake me up. Once I was up i went to go get my breakfast still in my pajamas. I went out to see my mom bought milk! We usually only had a slice of bread for breakfast and lunch, with nothing else but my mom finally got milk. "When did you get this?" I asked my mom pointing to the jar of milk "oh the Andrews brought us it, sweet right!" She said as she poured herself a glass and sat down at our little almost broken table. I was confused, how did they even get this!

"Oh yeah and honey make sure your dressed you have to take a picture when you turn in the form" my mom reminded me. CRAP! I didn't know we had to take pictures what would I wear! I know your probably wondering why I am so worried, because I am not going to get picked therefore my picture won't be seen, but what if I did get picked and the prince saw this! A plain old girl with blonde hair, green eyes, but with ratty clothes and no makeup! I quickly looked through my closet until I found my nicest clothes. A red hoodie and some leggings.

This was probably nothing compared to the others, but WHO CARES! I wouldn't even get picked anyway! I quickly threw on my clothes, put on the only makeup I have, mascara and lipgloss. Then did my hair half up half down. Once I was ready I headed out of my room and waited for my mom and sisters to be ready, since in illea it was illegal to leave kids under age sixteen home alone! I know STUPID!

But we had to follow the rules. Illea had a lot of laws, including a curfew at 9:30, you can't lose your virginity unless your married, and many other silly laws like those! Anyways once we were all ready we headed out to the post office which was only about a five minute walk from our place! Even before we saw the post office I saw lines of girls all dressed in beautiful makeup, and the best ball gowns they had!

By now I was feeling so overwhelmed! Everyone looked so gorgeous and then I was here in leggings and a hoodie. I mean I know all these girls are like twos and threes, but seriously! What if they didn't even get picked! Once we got close enough to the line we got in the back where we couldn't even see the post office!

1 hour and 30 minutes later,
It has been an hour and a half and I am finally getting close there are only about 10 girls in front of me! Now I was beyond nervous! What if I actually got picked! they announced the selection on the report tomorrow at 9:00 am (the report is like the news, illea didn't have news papers, so this was where they heard all the information, and it was the royal family who was running it and speaking on it)

I honestly really don't even think prince Cole is cute at all! I have only seen him on the report a few times, but enough to know how bad looking he is! He has black hair and blue eyes, and every girl drooling over him. All he is is a self centered jerk who only cares about the crown! What if I actually had to talk to that asshole! Ew!!!!

Soon enough it was time for my picture. I sat on the stool where all the others sat, and smiled my best smile. But when he said smile he also made a snort which made me laugh. He then smiled after he looked at the picture. "It's a good one" is all he said before we handed him the form and left.

"I really hope you get picked!" Tess said in excitement as we walked home I laughed "trust me I won't" I said as she giggled "yes you will" Tess said arguing back "no I won't and I don't want to" I said fighting back "yes! Don't you think prince Cole is so charming and wonderful" she said her eyes twinkling "anything but" I laughed as we finally made it in the door.

By now it was a little after lunch time so my mom just poured us some milk and we had that instead of lunch. Then I just headed to my room, thinking about everything, why did I even enter this stupid competition anyway. These girls aren't just little dollies, in Prince Cole's life size playhouse! I am beyond frustrated knowing there is a slight chance I could get chosen!

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