Part 27 tension

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A/N so I have gotten some requests to do like a pov in cole, and fear not!😂 They are coming soon! I promise!

Lilis POV
I woke up the next morning still tired, and nervous of what I had seen last night. And the fact that he had the audacity to come and talk to me after! Like who the hell do you think you are! He can't just come here and except me to forgive him!

I got ready for breakfast, I think my maids could tell something was off, but they knew I wouldn't tell them, so thankfully they didn't ask. I went down to the dining room, and I was the last girl there, even the royal family was there. So as I got there I curtsied and went to my seat, that mads saved for me.

As I walked to my seat I made eye contact with Cole and he just had a blank expression, like he was mad at me but was trying to hide it. It confused me. Did I do something? Did he know about Archie? I tried to ignore it.

I sat down at the table as the girls looked at me confused. "What" I said confused. "What did you do" mads said. "What do you mean what did I do!" I asked a little irritated. They all looked even more confused, but then just went back to talking. The whole breakfast it felt like everyone was talking about me. To make it worst people kept looking at me. I mean yes people look at eachother, but like people from across the room were just staring at me.

What is going on! Did something happen that made everyone all of a sudden not like me! I mean even Cole is mad at me! I didn't eat breakfast. I was upset. Confused. Mad even! Why did Archie even have to be here! He ruins everything!

We were soon dismissed from breakfast, and I went straight to the library to hopefully find a new book. I needed a distraction from everything. After looking for about 15 minutes in this massive library I found a book I think I will enjoy! It's called five feet apart. A romance about a boy and a girl with a disease called CF and they can't touch eachother.

(So she is reading the book, so it's not going to be cole in it yk?)

I went to my normal couch where I sat in the library, and started reading it. I already really enjoyed it! After a little while, which felt like five minutes I heard someone in the library say "is lady lili in here?" Someone asked. I got up and followed the voices.

"I'm right here" I said making the librarian and guard jump. I then looked it was Archie. My heart dropped a little. "What can I do for you" I said looking at him acting nice. "It's lunch time" he said. And I nodded. I started walking around him. "Would you like me to escort you" he asked hopefully.

"That won't be necessary" I said but still felt him walk behind me. "Did you not just hear me" I said confused. "I have to guard in the dining room so I am headed there" he said catching up to me. I nodded as I started walking faster. "Why are you avoiding me" he asked. I stopped and looked at him "I don't maybe because since you've came every thing has gone wrong, or maybe it's the fact that cheated on me with stupid Veronica, or even worse maybe it's the way you broke me! I loved you Archie! I loved you more than I did myself! And you threw that away like it was trash! This whole thing has almost healed me! I love the prince. I have moved on! Think again before ever asking me that again!" I yelled at him as I felt a tear roll down my cheek. He didn't say anything.

We were soon in the dining room, and I curtsied as I was late again. Everyone was staring at me. I mean everyone! I turned red in embarrassment as I made my way to my seat. "May I ask where you were lady lili" I heard a voice say which I looked and it was the king! "I was in the library, reading a book, I lost track of time, I'm sorry your majesty" I said to him. I was like really terrified, but I kept a straight face.

He smiled and nodded "very well." He said as everyone went back to talking. I sat down. "Lili please talk to us" cami said a little upset. I looked at her confused. "Stop the act we can see that you have cried, and I think everyone except for you and the prince knows there is tension between you too! What is going on!" madelaine said.

"Wait you mean the king knew I was crying!" I asked worried they shrugged. "I don't think so. You can't really tell from far away." Cami said. So you think he's mad at me" I said looking down a little upset, with the urge to look at him, but I was to scared I would be met with the same blank face he had earlier.

"Did you see his face! He doesn't know we can tell, but you definitely did something to him! Spill" mads said as cami whispered yelled at her something. "sorry" mads then said. "I don't know what I did, everything between us has been fine, maybe he is just giving me a sign to back off a little" I said confused but also upset.

"That's not it" cami said re assuring me. This went on for the rest of lunch. I only ate the fruit, as I didn't feel like eating right now. As lunch ended I went back to my room. I was so confused. What is going on! I wrote a letter to cole asking him if we could talk tonight. I need to know what's going on.

When I finished writing the letter, and gave it to Lucy to give to Cole. Or at least have a guard give it to him. After the letter I went back to the library to grab my book, as I left it there before lunch. I got to the library and grabbed my book. "Hi lili" I heard behind me. I jumped and turned around. "Oakley! Hi" I said surprised. "Come sit" she said patting the seat next to her.

I hesitated for a moment then went and sat in the chair. "We heard your conversation today." She as I sat down. My heart dropped. "Wh-what" I said in shock. She nodded. "Is that why he's mad at me! But he was mad at me this morning to" I said talking to myself. "He didn't hear you, he was to busy in his own thoughts" she said knowing what I was talking about.

"Then who is we?" I asked her confused. "Me my mom and dad" she smiled. As my heart dropped even more. "How could you guys possibly hear me!" I asked in shock! "You were right behind the wall of us, it was just loud enough for us to hear, but quiet enough, so that only we could hear" she reassured me.

I put my face in my hands. "So you guys love eachother" she asked smiling. I nodded in embarrassment that the king and queen heard me. "Mom and dad were pretty excited to hear that he has never shown this much emotion for girls" she said smiling.

I smiled. "Is that why your dad asked me where I was?" I asked putting it together. She shrugged. "I don't really know. We could all tell the girls were pretty happy to see the tension between you too. They didn't really mind, but once he heard you love cole, he just wanted to check in a little bit" she said smiling.

I nodded as a little smile came to my face. "That's all, my tutor is waiting for me. Bye lili." She said smiling as she left the library. I sat there for five minutes processing what I had just heard, before heading back to my room with the book I came to get.

I am actually rly proud of this part! I think I am going to be posting tmr too! As a thanksgiving thank you! I am so thankful for you guys! 🥰🥰

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