Part 13. A week gone by

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Lili's POV
The rest of our little date was amazing. I want to die saying this, but I think I'm falling! Hard. Everything about him is just so amazing! Our date, led to lunch, so we just went straight there after. But I didn't eat that much since we had breakfast a little later than usual.

After lunch I headed back to my room to rest. Then got bored and went to the library. I started reading Romeo and Juliet again! It's so good! It's honestly really good but also makes me really sad. I have always dreamed of the perfect love story, but, As they say Romeo and Juliet are the expectation not the rule (iykyk).

But other than that I guess you can consider me addicted to the heart wrenching romance. I read for a while until I was stopped and told to head to the women's room where we would have our first lesson.

If your confused, we have history, etiquette, and dance lessons. But the dance is just like the waltz, not really dance. Today we had our first etiquette lesson which I am really nervous for.

I arrived in the room, and was the last one so everyone was watching me. Like hello! Nothing to see here! I quickly made my way to the last seat which was next to brooklin and Anna. Then Ashley started the lesson.

We learned just basic expectations considering it was the first class, I pretty much hated it. I hated the whole idea of being proper! But soon the class ended and we were sent to go to dinner. I didn't sit by Emma, the seats by her were already taken.

So I took the only decent seat leafy the one next to rachel. As soon as I sat down "oh your still here, didn't think you'd last this long!" She said as her little minions laughed. "You know, I could say the same to to you." I said as I got up and went to a different seat which was on the very end.

I could feel her glare on me, but I honestly didn't care. I ate my food not really talking to anyone, then the same alarm went off. Before I knew it, a guard grabbed me and led me to this safe room. I could see all the other girls getting here too.

"I hate these things" Emma said as she found me. "Oh hey em! I know it makes me scared, I feel like we haven't talked all day how are you" I said happy. "Pretty good, just a little tired" she said then yawned I nodded. Before we heard a huge bang on the wall it sounded like a bomb went off.

I jumped so did Emma. What is happening! I remember Prince Cole telling me there were two different groups of rebels one was worse than the other, but I didn't know if this was that bad compared to the worst.

"ladies follow me" I heard someone say and I looked to see Ashley. We all follow her to this underground cellar thing that had beds and a few lights. She told us to just hang out, and that she doesn't know how long this would last.

I sat on a bed with Emma and some of the other girls as we played hand games. It occupied us for a good 30 minutes until I got bored and went to a different bed. I laid there for about 30 minutes just thinking about life and the selection. And then I started to wonder, what my family is doing?

Are they saving the money? Are they spending it? What are they spending or saving it for? So many questions popped into my head. I really miss them. It has only been a week, but still, it feels like forever. And then I wondered what Archie is doing.

Does he love that new girl? Are they going to get married. Did he ever actually have feelings for me? Did he ever think of me, like i think him? How long was he seeing that girl? After another 2 hours of boredom we finally got to go back to our rooms. Which when I got back to mine i chose to have dinner served to my room, I ate, then went straight to bed.

The next few days were pretty uneventful. I didnt really talk to prince Cole since he was taking the girls on dates morning to night. But I got to hang out with oakley again! We had a picnic, for brunch yesterday, and it was very fun! I really like her, she is very michure for her age, probably more machure than most girls, MY age!

Anyways, today is thursday, which means we have another report tommorrow, and I know for a fact that I will be interviewed, since i went on a "date" with prince Cole this week. But good news I am not as nervous as I would've been last week. It's dinner time, but I am not that hungry!

So I pretty much just sat there the whole time eating little pieces of fruit. Emma has gotten so much more friends recently. It's like every one of the girls, wants to be her friend. But if I were them, I would want to be her friend too, I mean she is literally perfect!

Another thing that happened this week was getting our rooms colored! I chose like a blush pink, and gold! They just finished it yesterday, and I couldn't be more happy with result! I think a lot of girls chose red or pink. But I don't know anyone with the same as me!

"ladies you are dismissed" Prince Cole said dismissing us from dinner. I didn't really say bye to anyone I just left. When I got to my room, I did my normal night routine then sat in bed for a little bit. I then went to my balcony for some fresh air, I looked around.

I probably had one of the best views of all the girls. I had a clear view of the garden and courtyard! It is beautiful! Then I saw little people walking in the garden, it looked like a couple, a boy and a girl! I squinted my eyes to see who it was!

Prince Cole?..........

Thanks for reading this part! Comment what you think of the story so far!🥰

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