Part 32 rebels!

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Lili's POV
"REBELS" the guards yelled. I froze. No... no no no no! I ran. I ran like hell into the forest hoping no one was chasing me. "Lili, wait, don't run" I heard a voice like Coles yell.

Coles pov
"Lili wait don't run!" I yelled. Panicking. Everyone was going crazy. Some girls running inside, some girls running forward. But lili was running into the forest. She was all I cared about right now. I felt myself being pulled inside. "no! No! We have to go save her" I yelled in worry. They ignored me, as I kept pleading until we got to the safe room.

I couldn't think straight. She was in the woods, by herself. What if she gets attacked! What if she dies. I try to take deep breaths as I hear my dads voice. "Son, go comfort them" I can't think straight I keep breathing heavily. Soon what he said processes and I go over to where they're at.

Rachel's crying. And the other girls are just in panic. I go over to camila and madelaine who are on the verge of tears. "Girls are you ok" I ask trying to hide my worry. I could tel they were like worried mothers for lili. Madelaine shook her head "no, no what if she is attacked! What if she dies!" Madelaine yells causing some of the girls to look at her. I pull her into a hug. "Madelaine I know she is one of your friends and trust me, I am just as worried as you, if not more, but she is strong okay. She'll get through it" I said in a quiet voice. She kept crying as she nodded and let go of me. I turned to camila, who was breathing heavily. "Are you ok?" I ask.

She nods. "She'll be fine right? She's strong." She said. I nodded worried. Lili still isn't here. I went over to rachel who crying even louder now. "Rachel calm down dear, it's ok" I reassure her as she throws herself on me, hugging me.

It takes me a minute before I hug her back. I just rubbed her back for a few seconds before saying "okay dear I need to go check on the other girls, you're ok" I reassured as she nodded and wiped her tears.

I went over to tatum. "Are you ok?" I said putting my hand on her shoulder. She nodded. She still looked worried though, all the girls did.

Lili's POV
I found a big tree with a big stump as one of the branches. I started climbing. I used to do this with my sisters so it wasn't that hard, but also not that easy as I had a big ass dress on. I finally got to the stump. Where I sat breathing heavily. I'm terrified. But I need to stay calm. I can't get hurt. I think about Cole. I just hope he isn't too worried.

It feels like hours I have been here. I know it's been a while though.

I hear footsteps coming. The rebels! "So how many did you get?" I heard a male voice say. They kept getting closer. Soon they came into my view. I tried not to breathe. I saw they were all holding loads of books. One of them dropped them as they all stopped. Oh no no no! They were right in front of me. "Come on man!" A female voice said. Soon they started walking away. I let out a sigh.

One of them turned around. Shittttt! I froze as we made eye contact. She stood there. Oh no! This is it lili. You're going to die. She smiled and curtsied. Before turning around and walking away....

WHAT. what the hell! Did she just curtsy! I was in shock. I just sat there in thought.

Another hour passed

I was starting to get really scared. Did they know I was out here? Maybe I should just go back inside. I started to get out of the tree when I slipped. I yelped as I hit the floor. I looked at my leg to see a big cut. It wasn't gushing blood but it was bleeding pretty bad.

I tried to tear my dress to cover the wound, but it was no help. So I just used the part of the dress that was covering that leg and applied pressure.

"Lili!" I heard in the distance. I tried to yell but it was no use. My leg was in so much pain. "Here over here" I said as loud as I could.

"Lili" I heard the voice getting louder. "I-I'm here" I said trying not to cry of pain, as I held the dress tighter. "I'm here" I yelled crying. "I hear her" I heard.

Soon there were guards everywhere. I tried to take breaths. Before everything went black.....

Hehehehehe another cliffhanger😏✨. Ly guys I might update again tmr, if not on Monday!🥰

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