Part 38 love triangle

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3rd POV
The next morning, lili was awakened to the sunlight. Her eyes still hurting a little from all of the tears the previous night. But not nearly as much as her shattered heart she was wishing would be fixed.

As for Cole. He played with her hair as she slept on his chest. Her dirty blonde hair still in perfect curls from the day before. "Cole?" She heard her voice say. "Morning" he said in a raspy voice. "How long have you been awake." Tatum asked smiling. "For about 20 minutes" he smiled back. She giggled as she leant in locking their lips.

"I love you" she said as she pulled away. "love you too" he smiled, before their beautiful moment was ruined by a knock on the door. "Your majesty. I hate to ruin the moment but tatums maid are asking for her" the voice sounded as tatum groaned. "I'll see you at breakfast" she complained as she got up and left making Cole chuckle.

The two lovers got ready for breakfast, in a bad mood. Both for different reasons, but still, in a bad mood.

Lili entered breakfast as her eyes searched for Madelaine and cami. She saw them smiling at her which made her smile. She had taken a little longer to get ready today, as she barely got any sleep the night before.

"Hey girl!" Cami smiled as she sat in the middle of them. "Hey" lili smiled back. A fake one of course. They didn't really have time to say anything else, considering the royal family was entering. She glanced at Cole, to see him looking at tatum. She hated to admit it, but she wasn't surprised.

Cole admired tatum as he entered. He has been in a bad mood all morning not wanting to do what had to take place this morning.

"Before you guys take a seat, my dear son has something to announce." The king announced. Cole sighed before speaking. "As much as I hate to say this. I am eliminating 4 of you leaving 5 left" he spoke as he heard gasps. He glanced at all the girls, only to see the only one like really worried was lili.

He stared at her for a minute in confusion. "Now if you hear your name I regret to inform you your time at the palace has ended. You may still eat breakfast with us, but your limo will be arriving at 11 to escort you to the airport." He explained still staring at lili, her face was faced towards him, but her eyes stood on her plate.

He continued, "madi , Vanessa, camila, and Madelaine, please pack your things after breakfast. Which leaves Tatum, rachel, Chelsea, Brooklin and Lili" cole said softly. He looked around observing the girls. tatum was smiling, a few girls were in tears, and...... lili in tears too.

Did she want to leave? Why was she so confusing? It then clicked, her two best friends were leaving. He felt really bad, but today was the last chance for him to do it, before his dad would just do it for him.

He just stood there for a few seconds, before taking a seat and breakfast was served.

Lili on the other hand, was still trying to hold in her tears. She was crying, but she was at least trying not to let out loud cries. Do I even want to be here? She asked herself, was staying here worth the pain of her two closest friends leaving? She hated to admit it, but she still wanted to stay, she loves Cole too much.

That morning only Cole ate breakfast, while lili just sat there in thought of everything. Once they were dismissed from breakfast, she went to the girls room, to help them pack. She was still happy she would get to see them soon. When she was eliminated.

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