part 14 interviewed

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Lili's POV
Prince Cole?..... and another girl. I couldn't see her face, because she was facing him, I was 100% sure it was prince Cole she was looking at. I froze. I wanted to just go to bed and forget about this, but for some reason I just couldn't leave. And I kept looking.

Why were they out this late? It's almost 10:30! Who would be so special that it had to be this secret?  I felt a hint of jealousy in me. Why couldn't I just be happy for the girl?! Why couldn't I just mind my own business!

"Lili honey are you ok?" I heard a voice say behind me. I jumped, with a little scream, as I turned around. "oh hey Anne yes I am just fine, is everything ok" I asked as I was breathing quickly. We made our way to my bed as she explained "I forgot to tell you the report is tomorrow and we need to put curlers in your hair if it's alright with you?"

She asked. "Oh yeah of course!" I said kinda confused. She then took me to the bathroom where They would put the curlers in. "If you don't mind me asking what were you looking at?" She asked making conversation

I hesitated. Should I tell her? "Just the garden. I was a little stressed for tomorrow." I said as she gave me a look telling me she didn't buy it. I shook my head, signing no I'm not telling as she laughed and carried on. "Do you want me to help you practice the interview."

Anne asked "please do" I said. "Ok well hi Lady lili, how has your time at the palace been so far?" "It's been better than I expected" "What does that mean? What were you expecting?" "Well I mean I wasn't happy to leave my family, so I thought I would be homesick, but I guess I was wrong?"

"That's great to hear, now tell me about you date with Prince Cole" "It was very relaxing, and I really enjoyed it." "What did you guys do on the date" "We went to this hidden place, with a great view" I said as she finished the last curler. "No too shabby!"

She said smiling. "I hate to say it but I think it's time you get to bed" Anne said as I sat on my bed. I laughed and nodded. "Goodnight" I said before laying down and closing my eyes, as she left the room.

"wake up lili" I heard. I opened my eyes. It's already morning! It feels like I laid down 30 minutes ago! The report! Oh noooo! I really don't want to do this. I got up. As they they took me to the bathroom. And started getting me ready.

They also brought me hot tea which was nice, and helped me wake up more. They took out the curlers and put on some makeup, they then showed me my dress. It was beautiful!
(You can imagine whatever you want!)

I put the dress on with some white heels, then added some accessories, before looking in the mirror. Wow I look like really good! I practiced for my interview a few more times, then headed to the room, where I was one of the last that got there.

The royal family was already there so I didn't have to curtsy or anything. But I did catch a glimpse of Prince Cole, he looked really good! He had a navy tux on, and with his jet black hair it looked amazing.

After looking or if you consider it staring at Prince Cole for a good 10 seconds, I went to find a seat. There wasn't many left, so I had to sit in the 4th row on the edge beside Madelaine. I have to admit she was gorgeous. Everything about her was perfect! I wouldn't be surprised if she stole Prince Cole's heart!

"Hi madelaine" I said sitting down. Next to her. She looked at me with a small smile "hi..... lili?" She said a little embarrassed. I nodded. "You look really nice" I said complimenting her. She smiled. "Thanks you too!" She said feeling a little more confident.

She is much more nicer than she was on the way here. "Ladies we will start in 1 minute, look presentable!" Ashley said as I faced forward, flattening out my dress and running my hands through my hair to make it look more presentable.

"3.....2....." the camera man yelled before nodding as one. Gerald than said the usual intro, then talked about our previous rebel attack, and why. 5 minutes went by as he explained the news to everyone. He then called up Elie for an interview. I knew I would either be next or after that, so my heart started racing!

As Gerald was talking to elie a camera man came and got me, telling me I'm next. shit! I followed him. Another 30 seconds passed before Elies interview was over and it was my turn.
"Next we have Lady Lili Reinhart!" Gerald said as I took my seat.

I nodded and smiled. "Hello Lady lili! How had your time at the palace been so far?" He asked. "It has been much greater than I could have ever imagined!" I said "That's lovely to hear! Now I heard you and Prince Cole went on a date! Would you mind telling me about it?"

"Well we had a picnic with an amazing view. And it was a very hidden spot, so we or at least I really enjoyed myself" I said smiling, at the words he told me. "Wow. That's amazing to hear! Now what do you see in Prince Cole!" He asked oh no! I really had no idea how to answer this. "Well,  he is a very caring and loving person, but he is also pretty handsome, and very much a gentleman" I said not knowing what to say (omg I literally hated writing that😭😂)  he nodded "well I am so glad we got to speak to you! Thank you so much Lady lili!" Gerald said wrapping up the interview.

"Thank you" I said quiet so only Gerald could hear. I then got up and then looked at the royal family just to make sure they weren't mad for any reason, when I saw Prince Cole looking at me. He smiled. I returned a smile before looking away and walking back to my seat. I can't believe I just did that!

"You did good" madelaine said as I sat down. "Thank you!" I said feeling better about it. Gerald interviewed a few more girls before the show ended and we were released to breakfast. I sat by madelaine again, since the chairs by Emma were taken, and I didn't want to be the jealous friend.

Me and madelaine talked most of the breakfast,  I learned that she was an only child, and lived with her parents. I also told her about my life, and how I didn't plan on being in the selection. I was happy. Maybe madelaine can be my new Emma. I am not trying to replace Emma, I just know she has new friends, so I should get some too!

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