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sorcerers stone

year 1

Draco Malfoy combed his slick white hair back as he put on his new Slytherin robes for his first class of the day.

He showed little concern unlike most students due to the teacher being Severus Snape. Snape particularly found a joy in becoming the mentor of young Draco Malfoy, as he saw potential in him. Well that, and his powerful family name.

Draco walked down the crowded halls with Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle on their way to potions. The entered the large room with arched ceilings and potions lining each and every wall. Desks paired of in twos, in long rows lined that classroom. Draco sat down with Blaise at an empty table in the back. Crabbe and Goyle sitting in a row in front.

Draco scoffed at the mudblood sitting next to the new famous Slytherin, Scarlett. He also rolled his eyes at the famous Harry Potter sitting with Weasley boy in front. Of course Potter already became the first seeker to be a first year playing quidditch. Draco knew who his bullying target would be this year. His menacing thoughts were cut short by the monotone voice of Snape.

Snape's eyes scanned the classroom stopping at Scarlett and continuing to stop at Potter.

"Ah yes, Harry Potter and Scarlett Archibald, our new...celebrities." He scoffed. He took roll-call and gave Draco the smallest smile as he called out his name for attendance and a smile touched the young boys mouth knowing that he wouldn't have to work at all in this class.

Snape gave out a little speech about wand-waving and whatever it was he drawled on about, Draco wasn't paying attention but simply staring at the Slytherin girl.

Sure he was only a boy but he knew beauty when he saw it. And he knew Scarlett was a girl his parents would be proud of him bringing home. Especially because of her family name.

"Mr. Potter our new celebrity, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood." Snape shouted at Potter causing the whole room to flinch.

Potter stumbled thinking of a response to which Snape sneered at the boy, "Fame, clearly isn't everything." He hissed before turning to Scarlett. Draco watched her big green eyes get wide as Snape shot her a raised eyebrow.

"And you Miss Archibald, do you know the answer?" He inquired with sharp eyes. "Come on Slytherin," Draco pleaded silently.

She nodded and he soft voice spoke out, "Asphodel and wormwood would make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death." Snape simply nodded in response to her correct answer and went about our first lesson.

"10 points to Slytherin."

Draco felt a bubbling pride over a fellow Slytherin getting the correct answer over perfect little Potter.

The class was dismissed and Draco shot out of his seat to catch up with Scarlett. He grabbed her shoulder gently and her brown hair whipped over her shoulder to face the white haired boy.

A smug grin touched his lips as he began to speak to the young girl, "You were brilliant answering Snapes question." A blush touched the girl's cheek and Draco silently awarded himself for making that happen.

She smiled brightly, "Thank you, Draco." She continued walking down the hall and Draco watched her walk down the halls to whatever class she had next.

He carried on his day seemingly bumping into Pansy Parkinson a bit too much for his liking as she had a habit of already annoying the young boy more than he could handle.

The rest of the day he seemingly spent with Blaise talking about quidditch strategies and how Draco was going to be the best seeker at Hogwarts next year. He didn't run into Scarlett the rest of the day or into the night. Pansy had told the group that the famous Slytherin had gone to bed early with her "talking cat."


The next day, lunch had gone by and Draco had spent the morning and afternoon bragging about his trip away with his family last winter. But he still didn't see Scarlett. Perhaps she was with the golden trio? He knew he wanted to go find her.

He finally reached hallway to lead to the dungeons and spotted Scarlett giggling at something at someone not in sight was saying. Draco walked up to her and saw none other than Harry Potter talking to her.

He scoffed, Potter and Scarlett turned to look at the boy with the smug look.

"The two chosen ones are already in love, how sweet!" He hissed at the two. Scarlett's vibrant green eyes clouded over as she glared at him.

"By all means carry on you two," Draco mocked as he waved at them to get closer before turning to face Scarlett, "but i'll have you know that Slytherins don't associate themselves with mudblood lovers." He snapped. Harry didn't understand the concept of a mudblood but Scarlett gasped at the use of the language.

"How dare you, Malfoy!" She yelled before profusely apologizing to Harry and saying goodnight to him as Draco walked away with a smirk on his face all the way down to the common room.

He immediately told Parkinson, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle about the experience and they all snickered and laughed along with him.

Shortly after Scarlett stormed into the common rooms, where she shot Draco a furious glare before storming out of the dungeons.

Pansy snickered, "Looks like princess already didn't get her way." There was something in Draco that felt almost bad for the way he acted in front of Scarlett and for using the mudblood word. He would apologize to her tomorrow.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘢𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘚𝘭𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯  {D.M.}Where stories live. Discover now