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scarlett archibald

year 3

prisoner of azkaban

listen to:
meet me in the hallway by harry styles
heather by conan gray


Draco Malfoy wrote me TWICE this entire break; simply to brag and to discuss about where we're meeting in Diagon Alley.

Not that I care, it's just simply annoying when I OWL'd him almost every other week. At least Harry, Hermione and Ron wrote quite often. Luna even wrote me a few times.

"Frowning will cause wrinkles, Scarlett." My aunt Rose hissed at me as she dragged me to leave me where I informed her I was meeting Draco.

I rolled my eyes, "My mother didn't have wrinkles. I think i'll be fine." I snickered back. Rose didn't appreciate the sass and quickly ducked me into an empty alleyway.

My heart rate picked up as she pushed my back against the brick wall in between two shops. Her black eyes flared with anger as she pinned me back with her forearm against my throat. Her long dark hair was pulled up in an obscure fashion of an updo and her dark hair and eyes matched her black outfit.

Her eyes narrowed and I could feel the air passage begin to start closing as she had me under some hex of a sort. I grabbed onto her frilly black sleeves and pleaded with her.

"Auntie. I-I'm sorry." I yelped. Suddenly she pulled back raising an eyebrow as I fell to my knees grabbing my throat coughing to regain my air stream.

I dropped my hand from her sleeve, grabbing my wand from the waist of my skirt and drew my wand at her, knowing I'd always be more powerful.

"EXPELLIARMUS!" She yelled and my wand went flying. Bloody hell how could I have not seen that coming. She was an old hag but I sure was slow.

I groaned and she simply motioned for me to pick up my wand. She straightened her disgustingly drab outfit and walked out of the alley, to which I followed.

Of course, not a single soul questioned why one of the "chosen ones," and a member of the Sacred 28 family were walking out of a dank alley. Probably just assumed we were having a lovely family chat.

My aunt owned me. My entire life was looked over by her and my uncle. My cousins particularly hated me because of my status in the wizarding word. They had a famous last name too? I never understood it.

I wiped the tears forming at the corner of my eyes and pulled myself together. I was 15 for christ sake!? No time for tears.

I followed my aunt to the outside of Gringott's and waited for Draco and his family. We met up here every year.

I got butterflies in my stomach at the anticipation of seeing one of my best friends. We really had become quite close over the years. My aunt and uncle were also good friends of the Malfoy's but we had yet to visit the manor recently. I painfully missed Draco and our nightly talks in the common room when I'd get nightmares.

My nightmares always settled when I was with Draco.


Draco Malfoy

I felt like I was going to fucking throw up. I was about to see the girl I've had a crush on since we were just kids after an entire summer.

Christ pull it together, Malfoy.

The worst part about that was I knew I hadn't wrote to her more than a handful of times which Scar takes extremely seriously.

I even pinky promised I'd write frequently.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘢𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘚𝘭𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯  {D.M.}Where stories live. Discover now