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draco malfoy


My fingers poked underneath the dark green wax seal of the Archibald family crest. I pulled out the fresh parchment in a haste and set aside the empty envelope. Or so I thought it was empty.

There were three polaroid pictures inside but I was gonna wait to look until after I read the letter from Scarlett.

I leaned back onto my fluffy pillows and read the beautiful cursive writing. The letter smelled like her.

God I sounded like a creep.


I miss you so much! I hope you're having a lovely summer, your mother wrote that your family has been traveling quite a lot. Although you've been oh-so terrible at replying back, I hope you miss me as well.

Well she's right, I have been terrible at writing. Because I'm not allowed to be writing back to her.

I've been having an amazing time at the burrow. Ginny and I have had many conversations on her relationship with Harry. I think they're quite into each-other it's very cute to watch. Anyway, i've stayed out of trouble for the most part, besides when I spend my days with Fred and George. I've learned a lot about them all. You really outta give them a chance, Draco.

I got a really beautiful sundress while shopping with Ginny and Molly. I sent you a polaroid of me and a few other moments of my time. I hope you can visit soon! We're going to the quidditch world cup at the end of summer and I assume you're going since we spoke before I left about how Victor Krum was your favorite quidditch player.

Harry and I have gotten a lot closer as well. Our scars haven't felt particularly bad the entire summer, no impending danger. (I hope.) I still can't believe he can speak Parseltongue so well. He's taught me a bit of it, i'll show you when we return to Hogwarts. Ive learned about about my family and that my magical bloodline is very strong. Did you know my mother and your mother were best friends all growing up in Hogwarts? Just like us.

You'd love it here, Draco. I just finished reading Romeo and Juliet. It's tragically beautiful and maybe I can give you my copy if you'd like? I'll quit rambling I just miss you tons and I hope you can write back soon. I know you're very busy.

Your Scar

I felt my chest tighten up. I miss her a lot. After our last conversation it was practically impossible to leave her. Every-time my father lashed out on me over the summer, i'd think about the last conversation we'd had and I held it close.

I smiled at the Romeo and Juliet part because i'd been reading it ever since I saw her in the common room with her nose shoved in that book. We were much like Romeo and Juliet but she didn't know that.

Her parents fought for the good and mine for the bad. Our families are enemies yet she has no idea. It's not like my family doesn't and didn't care for her family, they adore Scarlett and they loved her parents. But things were gonna be very different this year, I could just feel it.



"Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs" Scarlett sang in a posh accent. I crinkled my nose at her as she danced around in the moonlight on the astronomy tower.

Her white flowers dress glowed and reflected off the the moon like it was smiling back at her.

It was just us here, after she pulled me aside and asked if we could hang out before we left for break. I reluctantly agreed knowing it'd be 10x harder to say goodbye.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘢𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘚𝘭𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯  {D.M.}Where stories live. Discover now