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Draco Malfoy

Prisoner of Azkaban

My stomach sank to the floor as I read the envelope in my hands. My name was written in dark black ink. My fathers handwriting was unmistakable. The Malfoy's family crest sealed the envelope shut.

I tore open my letter and my heart beat seemed to get faster even though I tried my best to slow it down.

My hands began to shake as I read my fathers letter.


Your mother and I need you to come home for the weekend. Your transportation will arrive at Hogwarts at exactly 7 am. Do not be a minute late, Draco. Do not bring Scarlett. Dobby will be there to assist you.


I ripped the letter up and grabbed my wand.

"Incendio" I whispered and watched all the paper caught fire, burning to ash.

I shuffled to my made bed and sat down. I rested my elbows on my knees and gripped my hair.

Why does he want me home this weekend? He knows I hate coming home. He knows how small I feel there.

I felt like I was going to be sick. I steadied my breathing and watched the fish swim in the black lake. Their swift movements through the underwater forest seemed to calm my mind.

A light rasp at my door took me away from the fish.

I looked up at the door and Blaise slowly walked in and shut the door behind him. His face read no emotion. Blaise was always messing around so his expression made me pretty nervous.

"Malfoy. You need to talk to her." He pleaded and I took a deep breath and rolled my eyes.

"She made her choice. She wants Hufflepuff and Harry more than she could ever want me. So she's not my concern." I replied cooley and his eyebrows shot up. He sat on a lone chair near my bed and stretched out. He'd be here a while.

He smirked at me and I shot him an annoyed look back, "You're so in love with her." He snickered and my jaw ticked.

"Not anymore." I muttered looking up at the way the stone was carved intricately into a serpent above the doorway.

He tapped his polished shoe on the ground. Shaking his head he replied to me, "You just chose to eavesdrop at the wrong time. That girl adores you more than you know. This is just two people that are bloody awful at communicating." He remarked.

Yeah fucking right.

It's like he could read my mind that I was doubting him, "Do you even know what caused Scarlett to pounce on Pansy like that?" He asked and I made eye contact, shaking my head.

He rolled his eyes, "It was over you, mate." He grinned and I felt my stomach do a small flip.

I furrowed my brow, "But why?" How could they fight about me? I've been ignoring her for a week.

Oh wait.

"Well it started with Parkinson calling Granger a mudblood," Blaise laughed, "You should've seen the look on Scarlett's face. I've never seen her angelic face turn so...menacing." He joked. I smirked to myself at the thought of her getting riled up enough to snap at Pansy.

"And then?" I asked. His smile died down a bit.

He sighed and gave me a pissed off look, "And then Pansy started talking about you fucking her." My eyes went wide.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘢𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘚𝘭𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯  {D.M.}Where stories live. Discover now