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hey guys it'd mean the world to me if you'd please VOTE FOR MY STORY!!!

Draco & Scarlett

Scarlett's mind was still reeling from Draco being an utter ass in the astronomy tower. She chalked it up to Crabbe and Goyle probably pissing him off and didn't think much of it.

She read her muggle book, laying on the big couch by the fire early in the morning. She sipped her warm black coffee with a positive look on the day, she didn't have a single nightmare last night.

Draco however spent his night tossing and turning. He woke up in a cold sweat after the nightmare he just had.

A cold white, dirt covered, veiny hand reached across the dark wood Malfoy manor dining room table and latched onto a small olive skinned neck. Her diamond necklace falling just below the hand. His eyes saw a man with sharp nails that resembled claws. His beady black snake eyes looked almost amused as he began to pull the life out of whoever he had his grasp on.

It's sharp teeth turned into a sinister smile and to Draco's horror, the spot where a nose should be was gone. He looked at what the creature was grasping onto and felt his heart begin to race.

He locked eyes with her big green doe eyes. Her long black eyelashes coated in tears and her eyes rimmed in red. She had scratches and bruises all over her gorgeous face. Her hair was in tangles and her lips parted softly as she wept lightly.

"Draco please, save me." Her angelic voice cried in a whisper. Draco felt tears forming in his eyes as he felt powerless in the situation.

"Let her go!" He boomed from across the table. He felt a hand pull him back to sit and he looked down, Narcissa was pulling him back.

The man he knew was Voldemort traced his sharp finger on her delicate face, drawing a deep scratch, causing her to scream. Narcissa and Draco flinched at her sounds.

"Love is a weakness, Draco." His serpent like voice hissed to him. Draco felt like he was going to throw up.

Nagini slithered from the shadowy hallways and rested at the foot of Voldemort. Draco swallowed the rising bile he was about to throw up.

"Let her go, and I swear to you I will serve you till I die," He pleaded and Voldemort pursued his lips and shook his head.

"You never had a choice," He whispered. The only sound in the manor was Draco's heartbeat and Scarlett's soft cries.

He threw her to the floor and her body crumbled onto the ground and she shuffled her small body along the floor, trying to create distance between her and Voldemort. Her eyes frantically looked back and forth from Draco to Voldemort. He chuckled lightly and pulled out his wand.

"No, no, no! NO PLEASE!" Draco cried out loud as tears began to fall onto his pale, tired face. Narcissa wrapped and arm around his waist and he tried his best to get her off but she wouldn't budge, trying to save him.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Voldemort yelled, pouting his wand directly at Scar's wide green eyes.

Draco's heart plummeted and a green flash had just exploded, knocked him back.

He screamed and ear piercing scream of pure agony and even Bellatrix herself looked away for a brief moment. Draco crumbled to the ground, clutching his chest that held his now destroyed heart. He couldn't breathe or even begin catch his breath. He couldn't even process what had just happened.

Narcissa wrapped her arms around him, rubbing his back in circle and whispered calming words but she knew nothing would be able to mend her son.

"Everything I ever had is gone!" He screamed and his sobs filled the room.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘢𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘚𝘭𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯  {D.M.}Where stories live. Discover now