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draco malfoy

I couldn't stop tapping my fucking foot. It's nearly five in the morning and Scarlett hasn't come back to the dorms. I last saw her in Divination, so I know she's not sick today. And I pounded on her door at about 1 to which her devil cat hissed that she wasn't home.

Blaise said Oliver Wood mentioned something about McGonagall calling her into her office but I don't believe that. There's no reason for her to be called in other than the fact that she hexed a first year. I made sure he didn't open his mouth about it.

"Malfoy would you shut the hell up! It's five am and all I can hear is your family unfathomably annoying foot tapping!" Henry growled, sticking his tired head out of his dorm. His eyes barely were barely opened.

"Fuck off. Scarlett hasn't been home all night. I'm fucking worried." I snapped back, checking my expensive wrist watch again.


He rolled his eyes, "God you're a dumbass. She got picked to be apart of the task for today challenge." He groaned.

She's apart of it? How the hell? She's not even in the tournament.

I furrowed my brows at him, his expression bored as he ran a hand through his wavy brown hair. He rubbed his hand on his eyes and watched me with a bored expression.

"What are you talking about?"

"The underwater challenge. She's in the dark lake. Or under it, I supposed." He shrugged absentmindedly before yawning and slamming his door.

"WHAT!" I shouted to which almost every student poked their head out to tell me to shove off but, snapped their mouths shut when they saw me. As if anyone in Slytherin or Hogwarts would ever say anything to talk back to me. Only Scarlett, Blaise and Henry.

I stormed into my room and looked out into to dark lake, as if I could see Scarlett. Absolutely no one and nothing were to be seen, besides the god awful ugly fish swimming in the murky green waters.

I dropped onto my bed and stared up at my ceiling. A tapestry of constellations was hanging up there, draping down. It read the big main ones like the big dipper and a few others. It didn't have mine but I didn't care.

I crossed my arms behind my head and tried to shut my tired eyes. I'd been pacing for 4 hours straight.

And when sleep finally met my mind, I welcomed the darkness in.


I was jolted awake by some bastard shaking me like a rag doll.

"Get the fuck off me!" I growled and shoved off the arms holding my shoulder. I sat up, throwing the covers off of my body.

All I heard was Blaise and Henry's deep laughs. They were bent over laughing at me. I threw a pillow as hard as I could at Henry's scrawny body and almost knocked him over.

"Bloody hell mate! You almost took his arm off." Blaise wheezed and I glared at him.

"Come on! It's the second challenge. Our Scarlett is sunken in the lake and I wanna see if Harry or Cedric has to save her." Henry wiggled his brows.

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed as they walked into the common room.

I got dressed in warm clothes since I knew it was freezing out. I grabbed an extra sweatshirt for Scarlett in case she was cold getting out. I doubt she'd take it but it was worth a shot. And it was dark green and matched her eyes when she's pissed off.


We walked down the hill, Fred and George screaming at everyone to put down bets for who will win this task.

I put my money on Krum.

We finished walking down and hopped in a canoe that took us to the stands where we would be watching the second task.

Dumbledore announced that there was one treasure per contestant, submerged at the bottom of the dark lake. My stomach churned at the thought of how long Scar's probably been down there. I give them 10 minutes before I turn myself into a bloody shark and get her.

I didn't wanna picture her lifeless in any way even if I knew she wouldn't be stuck down there forever.

Cedric, Harry, Krum and Fleur all stood on the wooden platform, visibly freezing at the chill breeze flowing through the sky.

The canon was blown and everything went silent, anxiously anticipating what was gonna happen as they dove into the water. Well, Harry flopped in, as expected.

"I hear that Scarlett is Cedric's treasure." Blaise whispered to Henry and I. I scoffed and ran a shaky hand through my hair.

We knew it wasn't Cho Chang because she was sitting on the Ravenclaw side, with a frown etched on her face.

The clock ticked and Fleur was the first to give up. No sign of Harry, Krum or Cedric. And more importantly, no Scarlett.

Fleur was crying, holding her classmates.

I stared at the murky water, not moving my eyes. Until Cedric's head popped out and then Scarlett's. Her green eyes popped open in shock and she was gasping for air like no other. I sucked in a breath and released it slowly, my death grip on the railing subsiding.

My erratic heartbeat slowed back down and I felt calmer at the fact that she was safe, even thought it was Cedric who happened to be the one who saved her.

And then Krum popped up with Hermione and still no sign of Potter. I felt a smirk tug on my lips. No Harry AND no Ron? Kill two twats with one dark lake.

Until Ron's head popped up along with Fleur's little sister. Harry then shot out of the water and landed on the deck. I rolled my eyes as a Gryffindor in front of me cheered with his binoculars in his grubby little hands. I smacked the binoculars out them. Blaise and Henry snorted a laugh out.

We walked down the stairs and made it down to where Scarlett was shivering against Cedric's chest, wrapped in a big white towel.

"Thank you for saving me, Ced." She mumbled under his breath.

"Anything for you, Scar." I scoffed at his reply and they both whipped around to face me. Cedric glared at me and Scarlett shot me her best intimidating face.

Cedric stepped towards me but she patted his chest and stepped towards us. A frown etched on her face, her dark hair sticking to her.

I held out the hoodie to her and she looked at it like i'd just given her a dead rabbit. I furrowed my brows and pushed it towards her. She gave me a tight smile and tugged it over her head. And I was right

It perfectly matched her pissed off eyes.

"How ya feeling, Scarface?" Henry smiled at her, rubbing the top of her head which made her pin straight hair get all crazy on top. She scoffed.

"Like I was just at the bottom of the dark lake." She muttered. Scarlett pushed past us and walked towards the rafts to take her back to Hogwarts.

I jogged to her raft but she shook her head. Meaning she wanted to be alone.

That's valid.

I guess that sums up that conversation.


hey! should i keep writing this. i have so many more ideas i just don't know if any of you are interested. thank you to those commenting and voting! it makes my whole day.

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