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draco malfoy

prisoner of azkaban

The fucking audacity of whoever makes the castle bloody -10° is beyond me. Scarlett has my favorite jumper but I wouldn't ask for it back.

I trudged through the halls down to the dungeons to my dormitory. A strong hand clasped my shoulder.

"Ferret boy!" Blaise laughed from behind me and I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want." I groaned and he raised an eyebrow.

We started walking to the common room and we sat down on a big velvet couch.

"I'm having a party here tomorrow night. Starts at midnight and everyone in Slytherin is invited," He announced loudly so everyone else walking around would hear, "And I had my lovely mother ship us a lovely endless supply of some fire whiskey." He wiggled his brows and I laughed.

The thing about Blaise Zabini was that his priorities were simply two things; girls and getting fucked up. He threw parties quite often and while they were fun the hangovers and second hand smoke from muggle weed was not the best combination. Blaise and I tend to be the drunkest in the room and find some girl to latch onto but now with Scarlett finally being in the picture i'm not feeling it's the best idea.

I sighed and stretched, leaning back on the couch, "Can't." I replied and his mouth dropped a little.

"Malfoy you git, did you hear me correctly or were you distracted by the thought of Scarlett Archibald?" He joked and I scoffed.

"Yeah right. No, i'm not. But we have a test in Snape's class tomorrow and he'll have my ass in the forbidden forest if I show up hungover."

He laughed bitterly, "Please malfoy, you could show up drunk and he'd still act like you were the chosen one over Potter." I just shrugged.

He was right. Snape did really put all his attention into me and rarely punished me for anything. But he did strictly instruct I stay away from distractions.

That being Scarlett.

"Fine I'm in."

Blaise smiled wider than a kid on Christmas, "We are getting FUCKED UP!" He shouted so loud a couple first years studying shushed him.

I chuckled as he pulled his wand out and hexed them till they ran to their dorms.


Snape called me into his classroom today to further explain how 'Scarlett was making me weak and how my father didn't want me to be choosing a girl over my future.'

Or some other dumb load of shit like that.

"Professor, she isn't a distraction. I'm at the top of all of my classes." I explained, sitting on a desk in his cold classroom. His expression was flat and he sighed.

"Her family stood for everything your parents are against, Mr Malfoy," He stated moving to sit in his desk but keep his dark eyes on me as he continued, "Your parents don't exactly know everything about her family but when they find out, they'll be less of a fan of her."

I furrowed my brow and crossed my arms, "Her family is pureblood and were some of the most powerful wizards to walk the earth. My mother and father want me to marry her." I retorted and he just looked bored.

"Her family believed that muggle borns and half-bloods were equal to all. You know your fathers ideals and those go directly against them. Your father was a death eater Draco, In direct support of he-who-shall-not-be-named," He bellowed and I felt my throat go dry. So that's why he put a silencing charm on the door.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘢𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘚𝘭𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯  {D.M.}Where stories live. Discover now