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prisoner of azkaban

year 3

listen to:
Greek God by Conan Gray

Scarlett wiped her tear streaked cheeks off, looking in the train restroom mirror at her blotchy eyes. She knew she needed to pull it together in order to sit with Draco, Draco's new apparent girlfriend, and Blaise.

She took a deep breath and faked smile at her reflection and walked out of the lavatory with her head held high.

She passed by Luna and gave her a quick hug.
"Scarlett, are you alright? You feel glum?" Luna's sweet voice asked her and Scarlett nodded profusely and waved her off.

She smiled warmly as best as she could, "Yes, just excited for third year! I'll see you at Hogwarts!" She replied. Luna didn't buy it but knew Scarlett never talked about her feelings unless she 100% needed to.

She continued walking down the row of compartments, stopped and slid the door to their usual spot open and saw only Blaise and Henry in there. She smiled brightly at the handsome Blaise and sat next to him.

He gave her a startled look, "Did you and Malfoy breakup or something? You looked distressed, love" He asked.

She scoffed, "like I'd ever date Malfoy. I'm fine just tired." She snickered knowing deep down she was lying to herself.

Suddenly Blaise looked up at the door, his eyes widening and gave someone a tight smile, "I wouldn't be with you even if someone offered me Potter's head on a stick." Draco's cold voice spit at Scarlett. She just rolled her eyes and scooted closer to Blaise.

The silence was stiff and you could cut the tension with a damn knife.

Draco stared at Scarlett while she looked up at Henry through her thick eyelashes and lightly coughed breaking the silence, "So Henry, how was that trip you took with your parents that we talked about?" She flirted while she smiled innocently and he was instantly hooked.

Henry and Scarlett began laughing and talking like the oldest of friends, much to Draco's dismay.

He gripped the gift he was waiting to give Scarlett in his hand until his knuckle turned ghastly white and he shoved it in his pockets before he could crush it.

"Drake!" Pansy's squeaky voice cooed at Draco and she ran in to sit on his lap. Scar snapped into paying attention to Draco as their eyes locked on one another.

My turn now, he thought.

He broke the eye contact and wrapped an arm around Pansy's waist as he put his strong hand on her chin and pulled her head into kiss him.

Scarlett turned red hot. Blaise and Henry raised an eyebrow at Draco's sudden outburst of affection for Pansy Parkinson. Blaise stiffled a laugh and Scarlett shot out of her seat causing Draco to almost throw Pansy off.

Draco looked up to Scarlett with testing eyes, "Where are you off to, Scar?" He taunted and she just smiled sweetly.

Pansy looked between them and Scarlett knew she had to keep her cool. She never wanted to show jealousy especially since she was happy her friend finally found a girl who could put up with his sour attitude.

"Just wanted to go see Harry before the train starts." she responded sweetly before leaving the compartment. Draco clenched his jaw so tight it could crack and moved Pansy to the spot next to him; Scarlett's usual spot.

"Scarlett and Harry are so sweet together. I bet he's gonna ask her to the Yule ball. Or Cedric Diggory will for sure ask her!" Pansy gushed on about Draco's best friend.

Draco muttered something about Potter under his breath that they all ignored thinking it was the usual Malfoy complaining about his rival.

Henry drank a sip of water before looking at Draco, "Who's Cedric Diggory?" He curiously asked and Draco shrugged.

"Hopefully a new Slytherin guy. Need to replace Scarlett since she's so enthralled with Potter." He grumbled and they all nodded sharing an equal hatred for Potter and having full loyalty to Draco.

Draco checked his expensive wrist watch and tapped his knee anxiously, "She should be back by now. Potter probably hexed her-"

He was cut off by Scarlett entering the compartment with a sweet smile. Draco felt his blood cool down at her at least not being around Potter.

The rest of the ride was silent, with the exception of small talk about Cedric Diggory.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘢𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘚𝘭𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯  {D.M.}Where stories live. Discover now