Chapter One

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Author's Note: I'm baaaaack! And by back, I mean, never really gone. I only recently posted the final chapter to my Doctor Who fanfiction, The Brave One. If you like Doctor Who and have yet to read it, I suggest you check it out! So, this is my first go at Loki fanfiction and I'm rather excited. This is bound to start a little slow, but I swear to Odin, it will pick up soon enough. I'm still working kinks out, so I apologize now for slow updates and such. Anyway, please read and comment and vote and let me know what you think! Can't get any better if I don't have constructive criticism to help me along, now do I?

Also, this is dedicated to Shannon, for pushing me to finally post, for feeling the Loki feels with me, and helping me decide on a title (finally!). You go, Glen Coco. <3

Here we go!

As of 2018, the three book series is finally complete! Check out Emprise and Valediction, the second and third books in the series!

Hi, hello! 2022 Keara here! So happy to see there are still so many new readers, and return readers, I cherish you all! Just wanted to pop this note in here now just to update you all - as some of you know, this series was started nearly ten years ago while I was still in high school, which is absolutely wild to me. That being said, I stand by a lot of this book, but it definitely needs some updating and some finessing! Times have changed, I have changed, and so has my writing. As of right now, I intend to keep this original version intact and available to read, and the plan is to post the revised version of Recompense as a separate book here (and possibly AO3?). We'll see! I hope to have it out by the end of the year, so stay tuned, and in the meantime, please enjoy this version as readers have for the past almost decade (holy shit!). x 



"Can anyone tell me the Anglo Saxon gods who give us the names of our days?"

I sigh as people glance at me expectantly. I raise my hand slowly, as though slipping it through molasses. Professor Raffel's eyes flicker over to me behind his thick black frames.

"Anyone beside Miss Sutton?"


Professor Raffel sighs and pushes his glasses up his nose. With a dismissive flick of his wrist, I go ahead.

"Tiw, Woden, Thor, Frigga, etc, etc, you get the idea," I ramble out the list in order like it's normal. Like it's normal to have a calendar in my kitchen proudly boasting the names of Norse gods in place of Monday thru Sunday. Doesn't everyone have one?

He opens his mouth to say something else, sure to enthrall us all, but the bell blares loud and clear. Everyone scurries along, glad to be getting home for Christmas break, but I take my sweet time. I'm sure Professor Raffel has something to say to me, so I wait, books clutched to my chest. I pull on the loose thread of my sweater. Finally, he pipes up as the last student hurries out to their dorm, eager to pack up and get home. Here I am, still talking to my history professor.

"Val," he starts packing his briefcase, his eyes never straying from his task to meet mine. "Val, I've been thinking, how would you feel about an independent study course?"

This surprises me, "I mean, for what? I don't exactly have room in my schedule..."

"I wasn't proposing you make room for it. I'm suggesting you drop this class, or create a study. I'd prefer not to have you in here," he mutters. I pause.

"Excuse me?" I demand. He finally looks up, fixing his glasses once more.

"You are the only student who participates. You correct me. You know more on this subject, let alone the others. This class is obviously a waste of time. A waste of yours if you continue the course, and a waste of mine if you continue to teach for me," he seems a bit on edge.

Recompense [Fólkvangr End, Book 1] [Loki Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now