Foster Care

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Jessica- "Cody why do we have to be here?"

Cody- "Sissy I really don't know, mom never told us why".

Jessica- "Why couldn't we of just gone with dad?"

Cody-"Jess, mom won custody of us when we were very young and hasn't talked to dad since".

Clair- (walks in) "You kids ready to go?"

Jessica- "I guess".

Cody- "Yeah let's go". (wraps arm around Jessica and they leave)

At the foster home

Clair- "Okay you two, we only take sibling groups so for right now you will be sharing a room till we get your bed situated in the boys room Cody, also Jess there is only one girl here so it will just be you and her, but I'm gonna have to stay with Cody tonight".

Cody- "That's fine thank you Clair".

Jessica- "Yeah thank you".

Clair- "Jessica I know you are upset right now, but I will make it my mission to find your dad okay?" (hugs her) 

Jessica- "I know, I'm just scared". (starts to cry)

Cody- "Sissy". (hugs her)

Owen- (walks in) "Is that them?"

Clair- "Yep, Cody, Jessica meet Owen he will be your foster dad and is gonna help find your actual dad".

Cody- "Nice to meet you sir". (shakes hand)

Owen- "Please, call me Owen, and you must be Jessica?"

Jessica- "Yep".

Owen- "I will try everything to help Clair, what's your guys' last name again?"

Cody- "It's Watt, our mom allowed us to have our dads last name".

Clair- "It's weird cause their mom just put them in here and never made an effort to call thier dad about it and see if he would take them in".

Owen- "Did she have a reason why she put them in here?"

Jessica- "Her and her boyfriend are very heavy drinkers and also she's been in and out of rehab".

Cody- "When she was in rehab we would stay with our grandparents".

Clair- "Unfortunantly they passed away and that's another reason, the aunts and uncles don't live anywhere near here".

Owen- "I am so sorry this happend to you guys, well let's go get you guys settled in your room".

Owen takes Jessica and Cody up to their room, once they get everything in the room it is time for dinner and Cody and Jessica met some of the other kids

Eric- "Hi I'm Eric what's your guys' names?"

Cody- "I'm Cody and this is my sister Jessica".

Jessica- "Hi". (smiles shyly)

Eric- "Nice to meet you guys, this guy by me is my brother Colt".

Colt- "Hi guys". (waves)

Cody- "Is it basically siblings here?"

Eric- "Yeah pretty much, there are only four sibling groups, but now since you guys are here there is now five".

Paige- "He's right, well welcome to the home my name is Paige and this here is my twin brother Patrick, but we call him Patty".

Patty- "Nice to meet you guys".

Cody- "Nice to meet you too, sorry if Jess is a little quiet this has been tough on her". (hugs Jessica)

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