Pool Party

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It was a couple months after JJ and the kids moved to Houston, it was July and Jessica just turned 11. Since they couldn't really celebrate her birthday because JJ had training to do they decided to have a pool party for her on the weekend and invited some of JJs team mates, also Mark and Michelle

JJ- "Jess, Uncle Mark and Aunt Michelle are here".

Jessica- (comes downstairs in bathing suit) "Uncle Mark".

Mark- (picks her up) "Hi sweetie".

Michelle- "Happy birthday hun".

Jessica- "Thank you, I'll take the present out to the table". (goes outside)

Mark- "How you doing J?"

JJ- "I'm doing good, how you feeling?"

Michelle- "You should be asking me how I feel after that match".

Mark- (laughs) "I'm doing alright".

Cody- "Dad, your teammates are here".

JJ- "Okay bud, go outback with Jess okay".

Mark- "Me and Aunt Michelle will come too".

JJ goes and greets his teammates

JJ- "Hey guys".

Matt- "Hey man thanks for the invite".

Brian- "Yeah man, pool party sounds fun".

JJ- (laughs) "Well the kids asked if some of you could come so that's why I texted you guys".

Connor- "Well I can't wait to meet them".

Matt- "Suit yourself I win, I met them when JJ first moved here".

Brian- (laughs) "Matt remember he just got traded".

Matt- "Really I forgot".

JJ- (laughs) "Alright come on I'll show you outback, warning you'll have to be Max approved".

They go outback say hi to Mark and Michelle, Max sniffs all of them and they are approved

Cody- "Matt". (hugs him)

Matt- "Hey bud".

Jessica- "Yay they're here". (hugs Matt)

JJ- "Cody, Jess this is Connor and Brian".

Connor- "Nice to meet you guys".

Brian- "Heard a lot about you guys, also you can call me Cush".

Cody- "Nice to meet you guys".

Jessica- "Did you get Max approved?"

Matt- (laughs) "Yeah we did".

Brian- "Oh J I hope you don't mind, Meagan is coming also".

Meagan- "Hey guys".

Connor- "Speaking of which".

JJ- (laughs) "Hey no problem, hey Megs".

Meagan- "Hey J, hi birthday girl". (hugs Jessica) 

Jessica- "Hi Meagan".

Connor- "She knows you?"

Meagan- "Yep she goes went to the soccer camp last month that I helped out with".

Mark- (yells) "Oh you're gonna get it now".

Cody- "Oops". (jumps in pool)

Jessica- "I'll save you bubba".(jumps in) 

JJ and the others jump in the pool as well, after they played in the pool for a bit JJ started the grill and Mark helped him out, they ate dinner then once they were done Jessica opened her presents

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