Comeback Match

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It was finally Sunday and Jessicas comeback match, she watched the Texans game earlier and they won, now it was time for her to get ready for the match, she did a little segment

Randy- "Why are you here?".

Jessica- "What I can't just visit, don't worry I'm not cleared yet, even if I was I still wouldn't do anything tonight".

Randy- "Oh thank god I thought Seth picked you".

Jessica- (laughs) "You thought, wow I mean I wouldn't put it pass him if I was cleared, but no I'm not his partner".

Hunter- "The only people that know who he chose anyways is me and Steph".

Randy- "Well I hope he knows that my partner and I have no mercy".

Jessica- "Well good luck to you and him then I'm gonna go find my boyfriend, James!!!".

The segment ends, the Jessica goes back and gets ready

James- "You ready babe?".

Jessica-"A bit nervous, but I'm good".

Jack- "Here". (hands her phone)

JJ- "Hey you".

Jessica- "Hey". (smiles)

Bently- "Luck Jess!!!!".

Jessica- "Thanks buddy".

Cody- "We'll be watching sis, also tell Uncle Mark heck of a match".

Jessica- "Will do".

Kealia- "Love you hun".

Jessica- "Love you guys too".

JJ- "Okay hun go kick some ass, see ya Thursday".

Jessica- "I will see ya". (hangs up phone)

Hunter- (knocks on door) "You ready?".


James- (kisses her) "Goodluck babe".

They get to the gorilla, Jessica wore a hoodie so no one would know, they waited till Randy introduced his partner so get her to the gorilla

Seth- "Looking good Jess".

Jessica-"Thanks man, also Vince out of all people Brody?".

Vince- "Yep sorry kid".

Jessica- "Actaully I won't mind kicking his ass".

Becky- "Goodluck out there you two".

Seth- "Thanks babe".

Hunter- "You're up Seth".

Seths music hits and he goes out when he gets to the ring he introduces his partner

Seth- "Now Randy my partner is someone you have history with, someone who is kinda a lone wolf now, but has a pack of her own, and yes I said her and she kinda lied to you earlier tonight, please welcome my partner from Pewaukee Wisconsin, JC Watt!!!".

Jessicas music hit a/n pretend it's not stings matches lol

Michael- "She's back!!!!!".

Jerry- "And she's looking for revenge on Orton from Survivor Series".

Michael- "We haven't seen Watt since last November, since then she's become a new aunt, her brother Cody is in the NFL, and also she is dating one of our NXT stars James Anderson".

Jerry- "She looks in great shape though".

Michael- "And what is special about tonight is , JC is home is Wisconsin, her grandparents Connie and John are backstage watching tonight".

Jessica gets in the ring and grabs the mic

Jessica- "Oh hey Randy nice seeing you again, also hi Brody".

Randy- "What the hell you said you weren't cleared!!!!"

Seth- "Mind you Randy, she plays the game just like her uncle".

Jessica- "Also I'm gonna love kicking both of your asses".

The match starts Seth has the upper hand on Brody, the Brody tags Randy in, Seth then tag JC in. The crowd go wild and JC starts to beat Randy, she does her finisher the pins him. Her and Seth win the match

Annoucner- "The winner of the match Seth Rollins and JC Watt!!!!!".

They get backstage and people meet them there

Vince- "Hell of a match and comback kid". (hugs Jessica)

Jessica- "Thanks Vince".

James- (kisses her) "So proud".

Tay- "What a match". (hugs her)

Seth- "Welcome back kid". (hugs her)

Jessica- "Thanks man".

Randy and Brody come back

Randy- (hugs her) "You little sneak!!!!"

Jessica- "You didn't tell him?".

Hunter- "Nope".

Brody- "Hey Jess".

Jessica- "Hey Brody, good match".

Brody- "Same to you ,also congrats to you, Jack, and Tay, James on coming to Raw".

James-"Thanks man".

They talk backstage some more then they head to there bus then go to sleep for the night, well that's until Mark came in

Mark- "Kid wake up".

Jessica- "Uncle Mark what the hell".

Mark-"Sorry, but here this is from Vince". (hands her paper)

Jessica- "Thanks, I'm taking you aren't gonna be there tomorrow?".

Mark- "Nope I'm heading home".

Jessica- "Okay love ya". (hugs him)

Mark- "Love ya too kid".

Mark leaves the bus the Jessica goes back to sleep with James

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