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It was finally Thursday and Jessica, the twins, and Tay were in Boston to watch Cody and JJs game, when they got to the field they met up with Brooklyn and Nicole

Nicole- "There's my boys". (hugs them)

Jack- "Hey mom".

Bently- "Jess!!".

Jessica- (picks him up) "Hey buddy".

James- "How's my buddy doing?" (kisses his head)

Bently- "Good". (claps hands)

JJ comes up behind Jessica and hugs her

Jessica- "Jesus dad". (laughs)

JJ- "Hey hun".

Cody- "Looks like someone is happy you're here". (points at BJ)

Brooklyn- "He wouldn't stop saying yours and James' name when we told him you would be here".

Jessica- (smiles) "I bet, hey where's mom I thought she was coming?".

JJ- "Well she was then her team had to hit the road earlier than expected".

James- "Oh man".

Jessica- "We'll see her when we go home babe".

Cody- "Okay, well we have to get back see ya after the game".

JJ and Cody head off with the team. The game starts, towards the middle of the third quarter Cody catches the ball then gets tackled, he doesn't get back up after

JJ- "Cody!!!". (runs onto field)

Jessica- "Oh god".

JJ gets to him with the trainer, and Bill

Bill- "Where does it hurt son?".

Cody- "My leg". (takes off his helmet)

Scott- "Are you able to walk off the field?".

Cody- "Yeah I'll just need some help".

JJ- (Helps him up) "Let's get ya to the bench".

JJ and Scott get Cody to the bench, JJ looks up at Jessica and the others with tears in his eyes

Brooklyn- "He'll be okay J".

Scott- "Jess you wanna come down here?".

Jessica- "Yeah sure".

Jessica comes down to the bench

JJ- (hugs her) "Take care of your brother while I go take out my anger".

Jessica- "Don't kill anyone".

JJ goes out to the filed and Codys leg gets looked at

Scott- "Nothing seems to be broke, just a fracture, you'll be out for a couple weeks".

Cody- "God dammit".

Jessica- "You'll be okay Codes".

Cody- "Sorry it's my rookie season I didn't want to get injured".

Scott- "I know kid, I'm sorry".

The game ends, JJ and Cody go and get changed after that they head back to the hotel

Bently- "Dada!!!!"

Cody- "Hi bud". (lays on bed)

Bently- "Dada ok?".

Cody- "I'm okay bud". (hugs him)

JJ- "Hey at least we won the game".

James- "Yeah you had the most rececptions in the game also".

Cody- "I know, you gonna be okay without me Ben?"

Ben- "I'll be okay, I got Will".

Jessica- "Hey at least we got a day off to see you guys".

Nicole- "I'm glad you guys got to come".

Tay- "We are too".

Jack- "Hey we'll be home next week, we are definantly not missing Kealia's game".

JJ- "Wait you'll be there Saturday?".

Jessica- "Yep, don't tell mom though I didn't tell her".

Nicole- "Oh she's gonna be so happy".

Cody- "Isn't that her birthday too?".

JJ- "Yep". (smiles)

Jessica- "Okay Codes we'll let you get some rest, also I know these three want some sleep also, I'll see you tomorrow before you leave".

Cody- "Okay sis, thanks for coming". (hugs her)

They leave the hotel room, Jessica goes to JJs room to talk to him for a bit

Jessica- "So how quiet is it without me there?"

JJ- (laughs) "Honestly hun it's still weird".

Jessica- "I know dad". (hugs him)

JJ- "Codes freakin scared me today". (hugs her tighter)

Jessica- "How do you think we felt, thank god it's just a fracture nothing worse".

JJ- "I am very thankful for that".

Jessica- "Okay well I'm gonna head to the room and tell James to come here like you said".

JJ- "Yeah let Tay and Jack have the room, get you guys away from them for a bit".

Jessica goes and get James then they come back

James- "Hey J".

JJ- "Hey bud".

Jessica- "Okay bedtime". (flops on bed)

James- (laughs) "Only you".

JJ- "Okay goodnight kids".

Jessica- "Night dad".

They go to sleep for the night

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