Grandpa Watt

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It was the next day, after school was done and the kids were done at practice JJ took the kids to go see their great grandpa which is JJs grandpa but they call him grandpa also

Jessica- "Grandpa!". (hugs him)

GW- "Hi sweetie, hey Codes".

Cody- "Hey grandpa". (hugs him)

JJ- "Hey grandpa". (hugs him)

GW- "Hey big guy, how's it going?"

JJ- "It's going good".

Jessica- "Hi nana".

Nana- "Hi sweetie". (hugs her)

JJ- "Hi grandma".

Nana- "Hey hun".

GW- "So Cody how's football?"

Cody- "It's good, I'm glad the season is over though".

Jessica- "I'm sad soccers almost over".

Nana- "Hey that means coming over more then". (smiles)

Cody- "You know it Nana".

JJ- (laughs) "How are you doing grandpa?"

GW- "I'm doing good, one thing I'm gonna tell ya J never get old". (laughs)

Nana- "You tell that to everyone".

JJ- "Hey it's good advice".

GW- "So Cody you ready for varsity?"

Cody- "I mean I won't be on the same team I'll be wherever my dad gets drafted".

Nana- "Oh that's right how's that going by the way?"

JJ- "It's going good, the combine is coming up soon".

Jessica- "And we can't go". (crosses arms)

Cody- "Yeah, but we'll be able to see him on TV".

JJ- "I wish I could take you guys with me, but there are gonna be a lot of people and I don't want you guys to get overwelmed".

GW- "Your dad is right".

Jessica- "Okay, but tell Ben not to mess up his running".

JJ- (laughs) "Sure thing".

Nana- "I'm sure you'll both do great hun".

JJ- "Thanks grandma, well you ready to go guys".

Jessica- "Yep, love you grandpa and nana". (hugs them)

GW- "Love you too hun, see you Codes".

Cody- "See ya grandpa and nana".

Nana- "See ya hun".

JJ- "See ya guys love you".

They leave and go back to the house, when they get there the dogs are waiting for them

Jessica- "Attack of the dogs". (laughs)

JJ- "Hey guys". (pets them)

Cody- "Max no". (laughs and Max licks him)

Connie- "Did you guys have a good visit?"

Jessica- "Yep".

Derek-"J when do you leave again?"

JJ- "In a couple days".

Ben- "Dang right we do".

Jessica- "Ben!!". (runs and hugs him)

Ben- "Hi hunny, hey Codes".

Cody- "Hey Ben". (hugs him)

JJ- "What are you doing here man?" (hugs him)

Ben- "Well I'm happy to let you know I got a house just a couple blocks down, and also come on man we going to the combine together".

TJ- (laughs) "He's right there".

John- "Jessica someone else is here too".

James- "Surprise!!!".

Jessica- "James!!". (runs and hugs him)

Jack- "Hey what about me?"

Cody- "Jack!!" (hugs him)

JJ- "What are you guys doing here?"

James- "Well you know how we said that Clair and Owen were gonna adopt us?"

JJ- "Yeah".

Jack- "Well we kinda lied, Ben is".

Jessica- "What!?!?".

Ben- "Surprise!!!",

Cody- "So this means you guys are our cousins now?"

James- "Yep". (smiles)

TJ- "Whoo two more nephews".

Derek- "Yes!!!". (high fives TJ)

Connie- "This is great news". (hugs the twins)

JJ- "What about the others?"

Jack- "Oh Owen and Clair are still adopting them".

Jessica- "Wait this means we can have sleepovers!!".

John- (laughs) "I knew she was gonna say that".

James- "Yep, and we can even have them when our dads are at the combine".

Cody- "Yes!".

Ben- "Okay well we have to get going, if not Nicole is gonna give us a ear full if we aren't home for dinner".

JJ-(laughs) "See ya man and welcome to the family boys".

Ben and the twins leave and the others have dinner. After dinner they clean up then go to bed JJ is in his bedroom when Jessica comes in


JJ- "What is it princess?"

Jessica- "Can I sleep with you?"

JJ- "Sure baby, come here". (he picks her up and put her under the covers)

Jessica- "I had a bad dream". (snuggles into him)

JJ- "Aw that's okay sweetie, whenever you have a bad dream you can come to me or your uncles".

Jessica- "Love you daddy".

JJ- "Love you too baby". (kisses her head and they go to sleep)

A/n I know that Grandpa Watts real name is James, but to not confuse him with the other James I am using GW for him, and surprise Ben adopted James and Jack!!!!

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