One Year Later

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It was a year later, Jessica and James are going strong, Bently is one and Cody has declared for the NFL draft as one of the highest prospects. Also Derek and Gabriella had a little boy named Logan James Watt

Jessica- "Look out BJ coming through". (Bently walks after her)

JJ- (catches Bently) "Ha got you".

Kealia- "I can't believe he's walking".

Cody- "I can't believe he's saying words".

James- "What was his first word again?".

Derek- "I believe he said football".

Brooklyn- (laughs) "That he did".

JJ- "Already knowing what sport this family mostly plays". (kisses Bentlys head)

TJ- "You ready to get back out there J?".

JJ- "You know it".

Connie- "And Cody are you ready for next week?".

Cody- "Nervous and excited, just glad to be home for it".

TJ- "Can I have the Steelers hat if you don't come to us?".

Derek- "Yeah same here for the Chargers one".

Dani- (laughs) "Oh my gosh you two".

Jessica- "I'll take the Texans one". (laughs)

Nana- "What do we do with the other hats when he gets drafted then?".

Derek- "He can either send them back or just keep them that's what I did".

TJ- "Same here".

JJ- "Same, wait I went to the actual thing". (laughs)

Jessica- "So you got invited to go, but decided to stay in Wisconsin?".

Cody- "Yep, wanted to be with the whole family".

Jack- "Well all I can say is that I am glad we are leaving the cold weather".

Ben- "Hey now it was great up here, but I am happy that I get to go Texas".

James- "Same here". (hugs Jessica)

JJ- "Can you believe it, gonna be on the same team again?".

Nicole- "J when Ben told me I was jumping for joy".

Jack- "So was James".

James- "Hey I hate long distance".

Jessica- "We're making it work though". (kisses his cheek)

John- "Jess when do you get back to work?".

Jessica- "Well I'm not cleared yet by the doctor or companies doctor so I'll just have to wait and see".

Bently- "Dada". (points at TV)

JJ- "Dada is on TV isn't be BJ?".

Brooklyn- "Aren't they showing like the where you grew up stuff?".

Cody- "Yep". (smiles)

They all watch the TV afterwards JJ gives Cody and big hug

JJ- "Love you bud".

Cody- "Love you too dad".

Jessica- "Bently what are you doing?".

Connie- "Looks like someone loves Uncle TJ".

TJ- (laughs) "Bently".

Cody- "Get him BJ".

Brooklyn- "How's the little one?".

Gabriella- "He's doing good, I'm so glad that we have been able to get more sleep, he's been sleeping throught the night".

JJ- "At least you have it easy, it was never that easy with those two".

Jessica- "Hey now".

Connie- "I wouldn't be talking J you gave me and your dad a hard time too".

TJ- "So did me and Derek".

Derek- "Dang right we did".

The rest of the day the family hung out, then later JJ put Bently to bed

JJ- "Okay little man, goodnight". (kisses his head)

Kealia- (hugs him) "You're a pro at this".

JJ- "Hey I had two of my own".

Kealia- "I can't wait till we have our own".

JJ- "Me too babe". (kissed her head)

They then go to bed for the night

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