Cody Asks For Help

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A couple weeks later Brooklyn and Cody started to talk some more, she came over to the house sometimes and taught Jessica some new soccer skills. Brooklyn would come and watch Jessica play soccer and Cody would take Jessica with him to watch Brooklyn, also JJ came along sometimes too. Cody wants to ask Brooklyn on a date so he asks his dad for help. TJ and Derek also helped cause they were back in Wisconsin for Thanksgiving, the high school football season has ended, Cody and his team made playoffs but didn't get through to make it to the championship game

Cody- "Hey dad can I ask you something?"

JJ- "Sure bud what is it".

Cody- "Well I wanna ask Brooklyn out on a date and I kinda need help".

Derek- "Wow dude, you really like her then".

Cody- (smiles) "Yeah I guess you can say that".

TJ- "When are you asking her out?"

Cody- "Well when we get back to Houston, also I was thinking probably the winter dance".

JJ- "That's great bud, well I know one thing always go with the flowers".

John- "He's right Codes, works everytime".

Cody- "Well I don't know her favorite".

Jessica- (walks in) "Roses, she likes roses".

Connie- (laughs) "How do you know hun?"

Jessica- "She told me, you're welcome bubs".

TJ- (picks her up) "Hey how about helping me out then?"

Jessica- "For your date, okay".

Her and TJ go to his room

Derek- "Well dude the flowers go for, also maybe some candy".

Connie- "Oh you know what you could do, when your dad asked your mom to a dance he used candy and put words by them".

JJ- "Oh gosh I forgot I did that"

Cody- "Okay flowers, candy, anything else?"

Derek- "Where are you planning to do it?"

Cody- "I was thinking during school".

JJ- "Is that all you need?"

Cody- "Yep thanks dad". (hugs him and goes to his room)

John- "Oh gosh I don't know if I'm ready for him to date yet".

Connie- "You, how do you think J feels?"

JJ- "I knew it was gonna happen mom, plus she's a nice girl and Jess loves her".

TJ and Jessica come back in the living room

Derek- "Whoah looking good T".

TJ- "Thanks man, Jessica is a very good stylis".

Jessica- "Why thank you".

Connie- "I hope you have fun on your date hun".

TJ- "Thanks mom".

Jessica- "You got the flowers and necklace?"

TJ- "Sure do, see ya guys later". (leaves and goes on date)

The door bell rings

Jessica- "I'll get it".

She opens the door and sees Grandpa Watt

GW- "HI sweetie". (hugs her)

Jessica- "Hi grandpa, hi nana".

Nana- "Hi sweetie".

Cody comes down

Cody- "Grandpa". (hugs him)

GW-"Hey bud".

Nana- "Where's TJ?"

Derek- "He left to go on his date".

GW- "Oh I forgot that was tonight".

Grandpa Watt and Nana stayed for a while and vistited, they left then TJ came back from his date

JJ- "So how did it go?"

TJ- "It went good".

Connie- "That's great to hear hun".

Cody- "You missed grandpa and nana, but they said they hope you had a good time".

TJ- "I'll give them a call".

JJ- "Has anyone seen Jess?"

John- (whispers) "J over here".

JJ comes over and sees Jessica asleep with Titan, Brooke, and Max

JJ- (picks her up) "I'm gonna take her to bed".

Connie- "Okay hun, I think all of us are heading to bed as well".

Cody- "Night dad". (hugs him)

JJ- "Night bud".

Everyone goes to bed and JJ takes Jessica to bed

Jessica- (mumbles) "Night daddy".

JJ- "Night baby". (kisses her head)

JJ closes her door then goes to bed himself

A/n hey guys I'm skipping around in the story a little bit so I can get it done, there will be more to the book but I have decided that I'm not making the book from a day to day thing, I'm making it some day to day then like in this chapter saying a couple weeks or month. :)

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