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It was the next week after the incident with Derek and Cody, even though Cody didn't start at Fridays game they still won and Jessica won her soccer game on Saturday. It was now Monday JJ did an early workout then took Cody to practice and stayed

Cody- "Dad are you sure about this?"

JJ- "Bud it's the only way".

Cody- "Okay let's go".

They get out of the truck and head to the field

Aaron- "Hey Codes, hey Mr. Watt".

JJ- "Hey Aaron and how many times do I have to say it call me JJ".

Aaron- (laughs) "Sorry keep forgetting".

Owen- "Hey JJ nice to see you".

JJ- "Nice to see you too, so I heard about what happend Thursday".

Owen- "Oh yeah that, listen it wasn't my choice not to start him".

JJ- "It's okay, I'm just here to make sure it doesn't happen again".

Owen- "Okay cool, well boys lets get to it".

Jarrad- "Guys do not say anything today, Cody's dad is here".

Alex- "Shit".

Derek- "Shits right, I wouldn't say anything either now that TJ knows".

TJ- "Yep".

Practice was finishing up for both jv and varsity Jarrad and Alex went over to Cody

Cody- "What do you two want?"

Jarrad- "Listen we just wanted to apologize, and no we aren't just doing it cause your dad is here".

Alex- "Also we don't wanna get beat by your Uncles".

Cody- "I appreciate it guys thanks".

JJ- (walks over) "Any trouble?"

Jarrad- "No sir we were just apologizing to Cody, we should of never said that stuff about you or the foster care we are very sorry and mean it".

Alex- "Yes very sorry".

JJ- "You boys better be glad I didn't tell your dads about this".

Jarrad- "Yeah um they know, and yelled at us for it already, you don't mess with a Watt cause you mess with one you get all of them".

TJ- "They are right there".

Derek- "You guys ready to go home?"

Cody- "Yeah".

JJ- "See you boys later".

Alex and Jarrad- "See ya".

They get in the truck and go home, once they get home they see they have some visiters

Cody- "Jack, James!!!". (runs and hugs them)

Jack- "Hey bud".

James- "Hey buddy".

JJ- "Hey guys nice to see you".

Jack- "Nice to see you guys also".

Cassie- "Hey JJ".

JJ- "Hey Cass".

TJ- "Babe what are you doing here?"

Cassie- "Thought I would visit, also you were right Jess is a good soccer player".

Cody- "Hi nice to meet you I'm Cody". (shakes her hand)

Cassie- "Nice to meet you too, some good manners he has".

Jessica- "Uncle TJ get your butt in the shower then come pay soccer with me and Cassie".

TJ- "Yes captain". (goes and takes shower)

Derek-"So how have you boys been?"

James- "We've been good, we were just driving around and we saw Jess outside so we decided to stop".

Jessica- "I'm glad you did". (hugs him)

Jack- "Also we got some good news".

JJ- "Really what is it?"

Jessica- "Owen and Clair are adopting them!!!".

Derek- "That's great guys".

James- "Thanks, they are also adopting everyone else".

JJ- "That's awesome".

TJ- "Okay I'm showered".

Jessica- "Good, lets go Cassie". (grabs her hand)

Jack- "Hey where's our hugs we are leaving".

Jessica- "Oops". (hugs Jack and James)

James- "Love you sweetie". (kisses her head)

Jessica- "Love you too".

Jack and James leave, Cody and Derek play catch while TJ, Cassie, and Jessica play soccer and JJ watches from the patio with Connie, John, and the dogs

Cassie- "Nice kick Jess".

Jessica- "Thank you". (smiles)

Connie- "She's took a liking to Cassie real quick".

John "She has".

JJ- "She's normally like that to everyone, she has Ben wrapped around her finger".

Connie- "It was nice for Jack and James to stop by, it's wonderful that Cassie and Owen are adopting all the kids".

JJ- "Me too, I'm very happy for them".

Cody- "Dad look out!". 

JJ- (Catches ball) "Be careful bud".

Derek- "My bad, bad throw".

JJ- (laughs and throws ball back)

TJ- (walks on patio with Jess in arms) "Someone's sleepy".

Connie- "Did you have fun today sweetie?"

Jessica- "Yep". (crawls into JJs lap)

Cassie- "I'm gonna get going, nice meeting you sweetie".

Jessica- "Nice meeting you too, and thank you for playing soccer with me".

Cassie- "No problem, I'll come to your game Saturday okay".

Jessica- "Okay".

Cody- "Bye Cassie".

Cassie- "Bye bud"

Cassie leaves and the others go inside

JJ- "You ready to go to bed baby?"

Jessica- "Yeah I'm tired".

Cody- "I am too, goodnight sissy".

Jessica- "Goodnight bubba".

JJ then takes Jessica to bed, and also TJ and Derek come in

Derek- "Goodnight sweetie". (kisses her head)

TJ- "Goodnight hun". (kisses her head)

Jessica- "Goodnight love you".

JJ- (smiles at TJ and Derek) "Goodnight guys".

TJ and Derek- "Goodnight".

Jessica- "Goodnight daddy".

JJ- "Goodnight baby girl". (kisses her head) 

JJ shuts off the light then leaves his room then goes to Cody's and see that he is already sleeping

JJ- "Goodnight bud". (kisses his head)

Cody- (mumbles) "Goodnight dad".

JJ the goes to bed and so do the others

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