Happy Birthday Cody

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It was finally Cod'ts thirteenth birthday JJ went and woke him up

JJ- "Wake up birthday boy".

Cody- "Five more mintues".

JJ- (laughs) "Happy birthday bud".

Cody- (sits up in bed and hugs JJ) "Thanks dad".

Jessica- (comes in) "Happy birthday bubba".

Cody- (hugs her) "Thanks sissy".

TJ, Derek, Connie, and John come in 

TJ- "Happy birthday dude".

Derek- (ruffles his hair) "The big thirteen".

Connie- "Happy birthday hun". (gives him gift)

John- "Hope you like it".

Cody- (opens gift) "Grandma, papa you didn't have to".

Connie- "We knew you wanted it so we got it".

Cody- "Thank you. (hugs them)

TJ- "Here ya go bud from me and Uncle Derek". (hands cody gift)

Cody- (opens gift) "No way really".

Derek- "Really bud we thought you should have it".

Cody- "Thanks guys". (hugs them)

JJ- "And this is from your sister and me". (hands him gift)

Cody- (opens it) "Dad you didn't?"

JJ- "It's outback".

Everyone follows Cody outback

Connie- "J when did you get this?"

JJ- "I was gonna send it to his moms last year, but didn't".

Derek- "Now that's a cool dirtbike".

Cody- "Thanks dad". (hugs him)

JJ- "No problem bud, you sister picked out your gear".

Cody- "Thanks sissy". (hugs her)

Jessica- "You're welcome".

James, Jack, Ben, and Nicole arrive

Ben- "Where's the birthday boy?"

TJ- "On his new dirtbike".

Nicole- (laughs) "Wow JJ went all out".

Ben- "He's had that for him since last year, he was gonna send it to Julies, but didn't".

James- "Happy birthday dude". (hugs Cody)

Jack- "I remember when I was thirteen".

Cody- "Thanks guys".

Owen, Clair, and the kids show up

Eric- "Happy birthday man".

Patty- "Dude the bike is cool".

Colt- "We brought some gifts".

Paige- "I hope you like them".

Owen- "Happy bday bud".

Cody- (hugs Owen) "Thank you".

Clair- "Here hun". (hands him the gifts)

Cody starts to open some more of his gifts then he opens the last one from Owen and Clair

JJ- "Codes you okay?"

Cody- "Yeah it's just I haven't seen this pic in a long time".

Owen- "When Dan came over with some of your guys' stuff we saw this and decided to keep it till your birthday."

Connie- "What is it hun".

Cody- "It's a picture of me holding Jess with dad after she was born".

JJ- (looks at picture) "I haven't seen this in a long time either bud".

Clair- "We hope you like what we did with it".

Cody- "I do thank you guys". (hugs Owen, Clair, and the kids)

John- "Who's ready for some cake?"

Jessica- "Me!!!!".

JJ- (laughs) "We gotta sing happy birthday first".

John brings out the cake and they sing happy birthday to Cody, Grandpa Watt and Nana also came over with gifts , he makes a wish and blows out the candles. They eat some cake then Owen, Clair, and th kids leave, also Ben, Nicole, and the twins do. Jessica goes to bed so does TJ and Derek, and Connie and John. JJ goes to Codys room

Cody- "Hey dad what's up?"

JJ- "Nothing much, did you have a good day?"

Cody- "Yeah I did, thank you for the bike". (hugs him)

JJ- "No problem bud, so what did you wish for?"

Cody-"You really wanna know?"

JJ- "Yep". (smiles)

Cody- "Okay, I wished to get to where you and Blaine are".

JJ- (hugs Cody) "I know you will get there, I will be by your side through out all of it".

Cody- "Thanks dad, love you".

JJ- (kisses his head) "Love you too bud, goodnight".

Cody- "Night".

JJ leaves Codys room and goes to bed himself

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