Asking Her Out

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The kids, Max, and JJ were back in Houston, instead of asking her out at school liked planned, Cody decided to ask Brooklyn out at the Texans game

Brooklyn- "Thanks for the invite Codes".

Cody- "Hey no problem".

Jessica- "I see daddy".

JJ- (walks up to them) "Hey guys".

Cody- "Hey dad".

JJ- "Booklyn nice to see you".

Brooklyn- "Nice to see you too JJ".

JJ- "Codes wanna play catch?"

Cody- "Sure".

Cody and him go to the field that's when Meagan brought him the sign and flowers

Jessica- "Brooklyn, Cody wants you to come play catch".

Brooklyn- "Okay sure".

They go onto the field and that's when Brooklyn saw what Cody had in his hands

Cody- "So Brooklyn I was wondering, will you go to the winter formal with me?"

Brooklyn- "Of course I will". (hugs him)

Jessica- "Yes we did it!!!".

JJ- (laughs) "Good job bud, well I gotta head back to the locker room, see you guys after the game".

The kids go back to their seats with Meagan and Ashley

Brooklyn- "This was so sweet of you Cody, how did you know about the roses?"

Cody- "I had some help". (looks at Jessica)

Jessica- "You're welcome". (smirks)

Brooklyn- (hugs her) "Oh I love you kid".

The game starts, it was the playoff game against the Bengals, during one of the snaps JJ intercepted the ball and ran for a touchdown

Announcer- "Watt for a Houston touchdown!!!!!!!!".

The stadium erupts and the kids go crazy

Jessica- "Go daddy!!!!".

Cody- "Atta boy dad!!!!".

Brooklyn- "Go JJ!!!!".

Houston won the game, JJ had some interviews after then he finds the kids

Brian- "I see them J".

Jessica- "Daddy!!!!". (runs to him)

JJ- (picks her up) "How about that game?"

Cody- "Dad that was awesome".

Brooklyn- "The whole stadium went crazy".

JJ- "I'm glad you guys liked it, so how about steakhouse?"

Jessica- "Oh yes".

Cody- "That okay with you Brooklyn?"

Brooklyn- "That is fine with me".

They head to the steakhouse with Brian, Meagan, Ashley, and Brooks. Once they got there they sat down and ate their food, once they were done they all left and JJ dropped Brooklyn off at her house

Jessica- "Bye Brooklyn".

Brooklyn- "Bye Jess, bye Codes".

Cody- "I'll walk you to the door".

Cody walks her to the door and her mom opens it

Mary- "Oh good you made it back safe".

Brooklyn- "Yep, also guess who has a date to the dance?"

Mary- "Oh I hope with this young man?"

Cody- "Sure is". (smiles)

Mary- "Oh good, thank you for bringing her home safe and tell that dad of yours he had a wonderful game".

Cody- "Will do Mrs.Jones, see ya Brooklyn".

Brooklyn- (hugs him) "See ya Codes".

Cody get back into the truck

JJ- "Well?"

Cody- "Her mom approves".

Jessica- "Yay!!!".

JJ and them get back to the house, the kids get ready for bed since it's late. They both head to JJs room when they are done

JJ- "Hey you two".

Cody- (sits down on the bed) "Hey dad".

Jessica- (lays down by JJ) "Hi daddy".

JJ- (brings them into a hug) "Love you guys".

Cody- "Love you too dad".

After a while of them talking JJ and the kids went to sleep together 

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