The Truth

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The next morning the kids woke up and got ready for school, when they got downstairs they saw that everyone was up

Connie- "Morning kids".

Cody- "Morning grandma".

Jessica- "Morning". (yawns)

TJ- (laughs) "Someone still tired?"

Jessica- "A little".

Derek- "TJ we have to get going".

Cody- "To school?"

TJ- "Yep to school".

Jessica- "Man". 

Derek- "Don't worry you guys will see us later, we have football practice after school then we'll  be home".

Cody- "I have practice too today".

John- "I'll take ya Codes I think your dad is working out later".

Jessica- "Where is daddy anyways?"

JJ- (coming downstairs) "Right here baby".

TJ- "Okay we gotta head out see ya guys later". (him and derek leave)

Connie- "Morning hun".

JJ- "Morning mom".

John- "I told Cody I would take him to practice".

JJ- "Thanks dad, Jess do you have soccer today?"

Jessica- "Yeah I do, Clair is gonna pick me up since Paige has it too".

JJ-"I'm sorry that I'm really busy now guys".

Cody- "It's okay dad, you have to put the work in if you wanna get drafted first round".

John- "Now that's what I'm talking about". (high fives cody)

Max comes into the kitchen

Jessica- "Hi Max". (pets him)

Connie- "Max I made a plate just for you". (puts plate by Max)

JJ- "I'm surprised Brooke or Titan didn't try to steal it".

John-(laughs) "Oh trust me they did, but then your mom gave them some stuff".

Connie- "Okay well I'm off to go see grandpa and grandma".

JJ- "Okay mom, you off all day dad?"

John- "Yeah the station gave me sometime off since these two just got here".

Cody- "Dang vocab". (facepalms)

Jessica- "Do you need help bubba?"

Cody- "A little".

JJ- "Here I'll help you, Clair and Owen told me all about your guys' school stuff".

JJ helps Cody out with his English then helps out Jessica with her math

Cody- "Thanks dad". (hugs him)

Jessica- "Yeah thanks daddy". (hugs him)

JJ- "You guys are welcome".

John- "Jess hun, Clair is here to pick you up".

Jessica- "Good thing I'm ready then, see ya later dad and Cody". (hugs them)

Max comes over and whines

JJ-"Max you can't go this time bud, but you can go Saturday". (pets him)

Cody- "Oh shoot I gotta go get ready for practice". (goes and gets ready)

John- "You gonna tell them?"

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